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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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on TUUK holders?

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The newer bauers have holes in the footbed so you can access the nut that holds the steel in place. I have Tuuks on my CCMs so I'm screwed.

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just drill using a 5/8" drill bit, the ones that are shaped like |W| and are used to cut holes. Just line it up with the little holes at the bottom of the tuuk where you can see where the screws are and then drill straight down. Usually they go dead centre where the back 4 rivets are. For the front one, drill in on an angle if you're using a tuuk wrench.

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The newer bauers have holes in the footbed so you can access the nut that holds the steel in place. I have Tuuks on my CCMs so I'm screwed.

I got lightspeeds on my grafs, so I am screwed too. It takes like 10 minutes to change them if the steel breaks. But so far I haven't broken any. I have broke a lot of mission, and easton steel though.

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