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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood 77 DS Shaft

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Does anyone know if the Sherwood 77 DS shaft uses standard or tapered blades?

I'm just curious as the idea of being able to have a wood shaft that you can change the blade on is somewhat intriguing to me.

You could have the feel of a wood shaft and then decide whether to use a wood blade or a composite blade.

Also, does anyone know what the length on this shaft is?

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Does anyone know if the Sherwood 77 DS shaft uses standard or tapered blades?

I'm just curious as the idea of being able to have a wood shaft that you can change the blade on is somewhat intriguing to me.

You could have the feel of a wood shaft and then decide whether to use a wood blade or a composite blade.

Also, does anyone know what the length on this shaft is?

If you want the feel of a wood shaft then pick up a TPS Tricore on clearance.

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Does anyone know if the Sherwood 77 DS shaft uses standard or tapered blades?

I'm just curious as the idea of being able to have a wood shaft that you can change the blade on is somewhat intriguing to me.

You could have the feel of a wood shaft and then decide whether to use a wood blade or a composite blade.

Also, does anyone know what the length on this shaft is?

If you want the feel of a wood shaft then pick up a TPS Tricore on clearance.

I don't want a super stiff shaft and unfortunately, I've only seen XXX-Stiff Tri Core shafts around here.

I'm also not willing to buy online and pay duty.

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Looks like standard, as they have a seperate one for Tapered. check it out at www.sher-wood.com.

p.s., it's called the momentum ds, whereas the other are just called momentum

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