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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Quest 2 Pants

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Just recently picked up a pair of Quest 2's Senior m/m and they seem extremely stiff and dont seem to sit right on the body. Ive been using a pair of Quets 3's for the last 2 or so years but have just used the life outta them, i decided last week to upgrade to somthing with a little more protection and durability so i thought go Q2 cause i absolutly loved the feel of the Q3's but again, just wanted that extra protection, i picked them up in the same size as my Q3's and it just seems as if they dont sit right, they feel extremly stiff and almost akward to skate in.. Just wondering if any of you guys have experienced this same problem and is it just a matter of breaking them in over a few skates or are they designed to last stiff and kinda bulky.. oh, and another reason i ask this question is because my Q3's just seem to feel so light weight and comfortable whilst they sit well on the body and seem to just flow with the rest of my equiptment, i just wish i still had this feel in my new pants... cheers..

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My old M1s are about to bite the dust and I've noticed the same problem with new pants. I had a pair of 04 M1s in the shop and they were so stiff compared to the ones I've been wearing for the last couple years. I lost out as some damn customer came in and bought my pants.

Moral of the story, they should break in just like your old ones.

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Thanks Chad, yeah, i hope that they do break in, they look sweet and have great protection, but its just that stiff feel thats annoying and it also the fact that the stiffness is what makes the pant feel like they are not sitting right on the body, i know this sounds strange but its the only way i can explain it.. One other question - Are pants supposed to break in ? ive never had this problem before..

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I was just wondering if any of you guys out there that have either the Quest 1 or 2 pant could tell me what you think of them and if you had this same problem ?? thanks, would be greatly appreciated..

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