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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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can't speak for the hockey side of things..but we used Labeda race blems for years without issue...as they were all cosmetic (save for the one with a dime in it) and kept us in wheels without breaking the bank.

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I bought a set last week and have no problems other than being orange the color is more of a dark red-darker than the red hotshots.

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I ordered some worldcups a couple weeks ago and they seem to be holding up fine. They don't look as pretty as unblemished would...they look a little "foggy" or "cloudy" (thats the best way I can think of describing them.) I use them outdoors and could care less about how they look.

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Blems and defective are two different things...blems are cosmetic imperfections that prevent the wheel from being sold as new 1st quality..bad hubs are bad hubs...and should be able to be exchanged

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Bad wheels are bad wheels and should have never gone out, it is an oversight.

Blems are cosmetic defects due to bad printing, foggy material, large air bubbles that do not interfere with the riding surface. If you have a bad hub that wheel could be returned for replacement.

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