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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Off Ice Breaking-in

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Hi there,

well this is my first post on MSH, i hope i wont f*ck it up.

I just got a pair of Bauer VAPOR VIIs and the season has ended here.

I cant skate till September/August, but i want to break my skates in - so here

is my question:

How can i break my skates in without skating in them?

Baking ist NOT an option!

Greets !

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Get your self a pair of blade guards and wear them around the house for a while. Did that with my 652's and it helped alot. Make sure you wear the guards so you don't mess up your floors or your sharpening , if you have had them done.

Hope this helps you, and Welcome to the forum. From one noob to another this place is loaded with good info and very knowlegable people..

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CHIEF, i dont think that you are a newb with more than 1000 posts ^_^


I dont know a better tip than this.

Welcome on MSH.

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u can also sleep in your skates, but make sure u wear your blade guards...dont wanna wake up with 4 toes


get a pair of socks and put them in the microwave, put them on, then put on the skates

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you could also put your socks in hot water, squeeze them a bit out and put on your skates with hot wet socks and walk around, its like same with the microwave

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why cant you bake your skates, just wonderering, because if your not close to a store that will do it for you, you can always bake them yourself

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why cant you bake your skates, just wonderering, because if your not close to a store that will do it for you, you can always bake them yourself

Vapor VII's are not bakeable, unless you want to royally screw them up.

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You won't screw them up. All it will do is soften the boot. The thing about "bakeable" skates is that the plastics/foams in the boot have a memory. When they cool down, they stay at the shape that they have been molded to.

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Put your socks in hot water and put them on your feet, then lace up your skates. Rinse and repeat.

Brush 100 times too! :-)

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He said that the season is over, i guess its the same as here... all icerinks are closed and there isnt any ice

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