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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

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those are gay and we dont care

Ok look. Please refrain from posting this crap. It doesn't provide anything for the great community that we have here. To be blunt, just knock the shit off, I'm sick of seeing posts like this.

Other than that, those skates are awesome. I wouldn't wear them myself but I'd have respect for the guy that did :)

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Guest phillyfan
those are gay and we dont care

Ok look. Please refrain from posting this crap. It doesn't provide anything for the great community that we have here. To be blunt, just knock the shit off, I'm sick of seeing posts like this.

Other than that, those skates are awesome. I wouldn't wear them myself but I'd have respect for the guy that did :)

To be blunt, just knock the shit off, I'm sick of seeing posts like this.

Thank god I am not the only one here. Besides the nonsense posts, to be nice, those skates are, well, not cool. :blink:

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They're junior skates and kids like colorful stuff. That said the bahvior exhibited by some of you is deplorable and may yet result in disciplinary action.

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