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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro stock visors?

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Why not?

i think theyre ugly and they stick out way too much, i like to bring attention to myself on the ice, but not because of what equipment im wearing

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yeah the mirrored visor is pure hollywood, we sold alot at my shop and now nobody really wants them. alot of ppl i find are going with the oakley visor it self. but i remember seeing this one bauer pro visor that looked amazing

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i played some dude with a mirrored visor and he was pretty brutal. for kicks after the whistle i asked him: "Hey pal, you visted your local dentist lately?" he just got pissed off and skated away and i told him nice shield

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I don't see why anyone would want a mirrored one. I can understand the tint, but not the mirror. -- Well to be honest, I don't understand the tint, but I can deal with it. :P The mirror... not so much. If the guy's got dangles enough to shut me up, then he can wear it.

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I use one, but only for social hockey where I know pretty much everyone. I'm thinking about rejoining a checking league, so I might have to get a clear one soon. A lot of guys in checking leagues seem to take themselves way to seriously and would give me all sorts of shit if I wore it there, especially as I'm not really that flash a hockey player!

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