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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Junior or senoir

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I just broke a synergy and i'm wondering which blade to put in a senoir or a junoir (i wanna flip it around and put a standerd blade) I know that most regualer shafts that are intermidaite take senoir blables but is this the same???

i tried searching and didn't find anything

thanks alot

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Is your synergy an intermediate or Senior... If it's a Senior, you need a Senior blade, if it's an intermediate, I don't know that one.

it's an intermidaite

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int. you need a jr. blade, I have one

does the blade fit in good and tight or does it need extra glue or a bit of tape??

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the only bad thing about that is that i find most junoir blades have ugly patterens i guess i'll just have to take the one closest to the one i like and change it. Unless easton makes a junior Lidstrom??

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No, they don't make a Junior Lidstrom, but you could always buy a wood blade and curve it yourself, cut off the toe and voila. Do you know if you can fit a tapered or standard blade in it..?

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