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Jagr Deke?

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Does anyone remember when Jagr went through the entire Blackhawk team in the playoffs to score a goal. He basically did the same move 3-4 times in a row to get to the net...

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Jonathon CheeChoo had a nice between the legs tip in the 2004 Playoffs (against Dallas or Colorado...I can't recall).

I wasn't quite the "move" that Mario/Jagr made, but is was damn nice.

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Jonathon CheeChoo had a nice between the legs tip in the 2004 Playoffs (against Dallas or Colorado...I can't recall).

I wasn't quite the "move" that Mario/Jagr made, but is was damn nice.

It was against Colorado.He got it passed to him and it was right at his feet so he just stuck his stick between his legs and tipped it home glove side on Aebisher.

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A common move or deke that I remember Jagr doing on a consistant basis is kind of like what Federov describes. He first did it in 92 or 93 against the Rangers in the Playoffs:

Goes on his offwing and somehow he makes it look like he is going to cut inside the defender, but shifts lanes and cuts outside. This makes a mockery out of the defender and he gets the clear shot straight onto the goalie while the D is in shambles.

there was that, or the same cut to the outside...draw both d just about below the goal line, circle out and jam it low

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the jagar move you go on the outside of the goal to your forehand side. From there you pull it to your inside leg, deke to the outside, then pull it onto your backhand with one hand, and push it around the goalie. Damn, that's hard to explain...

from a right handed shooter's perspective:

Come in lined up with the right post, pull the puck even in front of your left foot. Make the fake to the right and hopefully sell it to the goalie. From there you snap it to your backhand with one hand and drag it into the goal.

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the jagar move you go on the outside of the goal to your forehand side. From there you pull it to your inside leg, deke to the outside, then pull it onto your backhand with one hand, and push it around the goalie. Damn, that's hard to explain...

:huh: I'm confused...

sounds like you described the one handed Zhamnov move that he does so well, Roenick also did it in the superskills awhile back.

It gets hard trying to name these moves after just one guy because there's a lot of players in the league that do the same move, lol

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Jonathon CheeChoo had a nice between the legs tip in the 2004 Playoffs (against Dallas or Colorado...I can't recall).

I wasn't quite the "move" that Mario/Jagr made, but is was damn nice.

It was against Colorado.He got it passed to him and it was right at his feet so he just stuck his stick between his legs and tipped it home glove side on Aebisher.

I remember that...that was beauty

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