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How fast goes an NHL wrister shots?

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That's what I was thinking but I was not sure.

By the way 70 is pretty fast, you need some strong wrist.

I catch 60-63 right now, my shots is not my best assets but I will work on that this summer.

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I've been told that anywhere in the mid 70's is the average in the NHL. It'd be interesting to see who has the slowest/fastest shots on each team, although that would be tough info to accurately obtain.

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I bet some of the best shooters (sakic, naslund, etc.) could reach upwards of 80 if they had time to put their weight into their shot and all. It is crazy to think about though.

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I've been told that anywhere in the mid 70's is the average in the NHL. It'd be interesting to see who has the slowest/fastest shots on each team, although that would be tough info to accurately obtain.

You'd be surprised. Nathan Perrott won both the hardest shot and the fastest skater for the Leafs last season, and he couldn't even crack the line up in half the games.

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you have to realize that although these guys probably have fast wrist shots, it isnt always the goalscorers that have the fastest....the goalscorers have quick releases and accuracy - those are the assets that score goals. that is why i am not surprised that the not-so-well known players have the hardest shots

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you have to realize that although these guys probably have fast wrist shots, it isnt always the goalscorers that have the fastest....the goalscorers have quick releases and accuracy - those are the assets that score goals. that is why i am not surprised that the not-so-well known players have the hardest shots

You nailed it

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you have to realize that although these guys probably have fast wrist shots, it isnt always the goalscorers that have the fastest....the goalscorers have quick releases and accuracy - those are the assets that score goals. that is why i am not surprised that the not-so-well known players have the hardest shots

also remember that subtle touches can make a player great, head/shoulder fakes, fooling the goalie by stance etc. for example, there was a goal that mario scored in 2002 against the czechs where he was going down the left wing, and was staring into the slot, and had hasek thinking he would pass it, but shot a quick wrister. hasek stopped it but he was so off guard he rolled into the net and ended up letting it in

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