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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Will Easton give up the specs on pro blades?

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Just wondering if anyone knows if Easton would give the specs on a pro pattern? Yes, I know I could email them, but I thought this might be faster for a yes/ no.

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Could have just asked this question to them rather than here. Seems like it'd have been the way to go.

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Yes, I know I could email them, but I thought this might be faster for a yes/ no.

I have heard nothing but bad things about Easton's email and message board. That's why I asked here and that's why I placed the above caveat.

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Well yeah, their board is ass and I doubt they'd have the answer there or give it up. Best bet is to just name the pattern and see if someone here's used it.

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I think that's because Yzerman changes his pattern constantly, so that's just one variation of, albeit a lovely one. The YP was at one point his but then got adopted by a lot of pros.

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Yes, I know I could email them, but I thought this might be faster for a yes/ no.

I have heard nothing but bad things about Easton's email and message board. That's why I asked here and that's why I placed the above caveat.

Yeah, their board has really lost steam lately. If it's not a bunch of idiots calling each other gay, it's users asking if they can get a stick in purple because it looks cool, or because they are incapable of independent thought and want to ask people what stick their parents should buy them to make them look the coolest.

Another irritant with that board..... a higher ratio of kidz who lyke creative spelling cuz they think itz wut makes dem da bomb.... I mean, yeah, I can see it for text messaging on cell phones, but shoot you got that GIGANTIC keyboard - use all the keys. Nothing worse than having to read the same message 3 times over to make sure you know what the hell they're asking/saying...... :angry:

I think I need to take a time out now......

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Yes, I know I could email them, but I thought this might be faster for a yes/ no.

I have heard nothing but bad things about Easton's email and message board. That's why I asked here and that's why I placed the above caveat.

Yeah, their board has really lost steam lately. If it's not a bunch of idiots calling each other gay, it's users asking if they can get a stick in purple because it looks cool, or because they are incapable of independent thought and want to ask people what stick their parents should buy them to make them look the coolest.

Another irritant with that board..... a higher ratio of kidz who lyke creative spelling cuz they think itz wut makes dem da bomb.... I mean, yeah, I can see it for text messaging on cell phones, but shoot you got that GIGANTIC keyboard - use all the keys. Nothing worse than having to read the same message 3 times over to make sure you know what the hell they're asking/saying...... :angry:

I think I need to take a time out now......

Im with ya Ogie! I tend to stay away from the EMB now.

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