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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Next year my hockey team is getting sponsored by 2 companies

1)Klever http://www.klever.ca/en/product_details.php?gender=1&ptype=3

2) Ballstik( i think i spelled this right)

Any way the thing is i have never heard of this company(ballstick). I know they make ops and other sticks but are they any good? if anybody has any onfo or pics about thiscompany that would be awesome.

thanks alot


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I was a player rep for Ballistik for a while. It was nice when you could get them at dirt cheap prices but the prices are a lot higher now and the product really isn't worth the money.

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ya i would try an easton or somethign like that instead of this 'ballistik'

If only I could be so eloquent. :blink:

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Ballistik seems to be making headway in Ontario, but out here in Western Canada I've only seen one on the ice and the guy using it wasn't too hot so tough to get an informed opinion from him.

Competition is good for the consumer so hopefully they're doing okay and making good (and reasonably priced) products, but I've never tried one.


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Ballistik seems to be making headway in Ontario, but out here in Western Canada I've only seen one on the ice and the guy using it wasn't too hot so tough to get an informed opinion from him.

Competition is good for the consumer so hopefully they're doing okay and making good (and reasonably priced) products, but I've never tried one.


They're based in Ottawa. It's easier for them to have a presence in Ontario.

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at our shop we had some of there blades. we couldnt give them away.

The first batches of composite blades were terrible. The wood blades were ok, at best.

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at our shop we had some of there blades. we couldnt give them away.

The first batches of composite blades were terrible. The wood blades were ok, at best.

yeah but when theres an easton blade 3 ft down the rack

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at our shop we had some of there blades. we couldnt give them away.

The first batches of composite blades were terrible. The wood blades were ok, at best.

yeah but when theres an easton blade 3 ft down the rack

Those don't entice me, I like to feel the puck.

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