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Broken Collarbone

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My 9 yr old got sacked at recess yesterday and broke his collarbone. He's a tough little hockey player. He didn't cry or whine, so the school nurse figured he was OK and gave him a bag of ice and sent him back to class.

Poor little kid sat through class all afternoon with a composite fracture with displacement and tissue damage. Never complained. He's a defenseman, of course. :D

Anyway, this is the first year his Mom and I agreed to let him go to an overnight camp with a pal. He's scheduled to go the week of June 26.

He's a squirt, so its no-check.

Doc says no physical activity for 6 weeks. should I cancel camp and get back the $600 or wait and see?

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I broke mine playing football in 8th grade and was cleared by a doc to play 3 weeks later...it all depends on how he heals.

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I'd say go back to see the doc in about 4 weeks cause hell, those young kids heal like superheros. All depends on rotational and movement ability w/o causing further damage. There are also certain super compression wraps and shirts that could also be used while in the recovery stage... but I've never been able to find those.

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First, go see an orthopedic surgon. I didn't and now my collarbone and shoulder are all messed up. Talk to the doc, he should be ready to go in 5-6 weeks.

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depends on how long the camp is, and how intense it is. That plays a big role.

Its a week and there is 2 1/2 hours of ice time per day, and one hour of scrimmage in the evening, so it doesn't sound too bad. He's a squirt, so there should be a lot of hard contact with the boards.

He's been looking forward to itt all season since this is the first year he's old enough to go to "away" hockey camp. I can cancel now and get my money back, or wait and see how he heels and take my chances on the 600.

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I broke my collarbone this season I am 14 and the doctor said 6 weeks but I was out for 7 weeks,and It was fine then and I got hit really hard by some big guys my first game back which was kinda good because then your not scared to get hit.

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He's scheduled to go the week of June 26.

He's a squirt, so its no-check.

Doc says no physical activity for 6 weeks. should I cancel camp and get back the $600 or wait and see?

I broke my collarbone twice this year and 6 weeks is about right. I play Bantam so my doctor was a little nervous but it was ok.

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It was fine then and I got hit really hard by some big guys my first game back which was kinda good because then your not scared to get hit.

I thought that getting hit hard helped me out a lot too. It made me a little less scared of getting hit again.

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broke (well fractured) mine when I was 13, I was out for a month and had to wear that stupid backback strap deal. I dont think I let it heal long enough or the bones just didnt re-connect properly cuz now me left shoulder isnt as long as my right, but my left arm is longer than my right, but theres alot of other crap thats messed up that could atribute to that so all I can say is let it heal properly even if that means waiting longer.

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Well you do have over 6 weeks anyhow, and since it's squirts and he's determined to go, let him. He'll be super bummed if he can't go. More important than any of our advice, I think you should ask your son. How will he react if he gets reinjured, and does he understand the conciquences?

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More important than any of our advice, I think you should ask your son. How will he react if he gets reinjured, and does he understand the conciquences?

That's a really good point. I'll discuss that with him so that he's clear on the reality of it.

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First, go see an orthopedic surgon.

Definitely. I dislocated my patella, and I was lucky enough that one of the dads on my team is an orthopedic surgeon. He popped the bone back in place right on the ice, and he helped me a lot throughout my recovery. I suggest seeing one also

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