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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What Stick is this?

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I remember one company a while back (maybe Ferland?) came out with an aluminum shaft with a small hole near the bottom, and their blades had a metal button. You'd push in the button when installing it in the shaft, and it would pop back out through the hole in the shaft to lock it in place. Terrible.

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The worst gimmick was (It was made in BC so some people might not remember it) a shaft called the 'Sniper'.  It was a shaft that could be taken apart so it would be easy to transport.  When Mogilny was here in Vancouver he used a Sniper but I don't think it was the 2-piece.

Ahhh "The Sniper"..... Mogilny only used the one-piece shaft.

I used to work with a guy who was a shareholder and he took an old Louisville Gold shaft that I had and basically copied it.

He used to give me the 2-piece sticks to try out. I must have bent them in about 5 shots.

It wasn't a very good idea.

I think they went to jr 2-piece shafts only after that...

They also tried to make composite shafts - but they didn't have enough epoxy or something in them - they would always snap in half.

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oh that was the ahrpoon. i didnt mind that thing. put glue over it and slid it in.

You can see i liked it as in the buy section im interested in rh bauer vapor 4 blades, which have the harpoon

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