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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Z-1

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isnt the peca like an yzerman look a like

its a big mid curve, but not a yzerman clone. its not quite as big the yzerman(gaborik) and has a rounder toe, and higher lie.

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my friend has one its really light cant remember the exact weight and he has the hatcher curve but i aint really looked at it its gd for slappers

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my friend has one its really light cant remember the exact weight and he has the hatcher curve but i aint really looked at it its gd for slappers

That's helpful. I also don't know how much it weighs and I also haven't really looked at it.

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It's in the same weight range ars most other "value" OPS, around 500-525g I only looked at them briefly at the show and when we met our rep.

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i told him i wasnt interested in buying it i just wanted to know if he knew the weight on it

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i heard today from a guy on ebay selling them,they were 460 g

I could be wrong but it's hard to believe it is so close to the weight of the M1 that sells for $30 or so more.

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