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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What skate/foot type?

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I have wide feet and CCM fits me the best. Ive never been able to find a pair of Bauers that felt good. Mission fits me ok but nothing compairs to CCM from what Ive used.

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In response to the original post: my foot sounds to be of similar shape: flat, narrow heel, except my forefoot is a regular width. I find Grafs are very good for flat feet, no arch pains. The Graf 609 worked for me, though with your wide forefoot you may get toe cramping. It's best to try on the skates first if possible.

It's that or you may want to look into custom orthotics. Check out the reviews of the CCM Pro Vector as well in the Reviews section.

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I find that ccm are the best skates for wide feet I have Externo's and they come in E sizes and fit very well because i have wide feet

I disagree, I have wide feet and I can never find a decent fitting CCM. My Graf 705s have been the best.

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CCMs are the only boot that i've tried that fit my mammoth feet properly. You might want to try some 709s/G9s though as they are the widest skate that graf makes.

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the g35 or the 735 will fit the best because he has a narrow ankle which is what they have aswell as a widerforefoot and a medium depth which is good since he has a low arch. any other model may cause him pain in his forefoot.

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Guest phillyfan

I have similar foot structure, and have found that CCM and Easton boots have fit me best. I'd suggest a last years model of CCM 1152 or so, can pick up last years models a lot cheaper than they retailed for.

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I've got the wide forefoot on an otherwise normal foot shape and I found that the Externos fit my feet the best out of the last few pairs of skates that I have had.

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