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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Green Synergy

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A guy in my Adult Camp tonight had a Pro Stock Synergy that was Green. He got it from the UHL Icehogs. It was green just like the ST, but where it would say ST it just simmply said composit....also, near where it began to taper down it had some letters...3 or 4. I'm sorry I cant remember.

Anyone seen this. Maybe its known by alot of you, but I have never seen it before and he had NO idea what it was (he didn't know what the ST was).

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its probably a regular ST with green paint with no grip, ive seen yellow pro stock ones with no grip, same thing with some pro stock red sicores

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I know it did not say grip. and I thought that all the ST's at leats said ST on them. All it said was Synergy, and composite.

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Actually I just found a nice pic of the ST and I think it also said Therma tec....thats the 3 or 4 letter thing I was thinking of.....I know it sounds weird, but I know it did not say ST after the synergy let alone any where on the stick.

So everthing points to an ST, except the fact that those letter were not on there. and not to mention it was Green and the word Grip was not printed after Composite.

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Actually I just found a nice pic of the ST and I think it also said Therma tec....thats the 3 or 4 letter thing I was thinking of.....I know it sounds weird, but I know it did not say ST after the synergy let alone any where on the stick.

So everthing points to an ST, except the fact that those letter were not on there. and not to mention it was Green and the word Grip was not printed after Composite.

It was probably like the original pro "Si Cores" they were orange, but didnt say si-core on them

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Actually I just found a nice pic of the ST and I think it also said Therma tec....thats the 3 or 4 letter thing I was thinking of.....I know it sounds weird, but I know it did not say ST after the synergy let alone any where on the stick.

So everthing points to an ST, except the fact that those letter were not on there.  and not to mention it was Green and the word Grip was not printed after Composite.

It was probably like the original pro "Si Cores" they were orange, but didnt say si-core on them

And many of them weren't really si-cores.

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pro stock sticks do not say what type of synergy they are hence they just say synergy no grip or sicore on them it might be the same for the new sticks because i saw a pro stock stealth grip and it didnt say grip on it

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pro stock sticks do not say what type of synergy they are hence they just say synergy no grip or sicore on them it might be the same for the new sticks because i saw a pro stock stealth grip and it didnt say grip on it

How come they don't??

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i THINK he could be right about it being somthing different because i konw the ST was just released in Marchish earl 2005 but i definately saw a green synergy last fall. At first i just thought it was an octane but then i realized it was a synergy the kid was playing so i didnt really get a chance to read the name or examine it properly so all i know is that unless this guy has direct connection to Easton somehow there is another OPS this color

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