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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I was just wondering if anyone has tried the hex-1/hex-1 one grip. How is the grip? Is the stick pretty well balanced? What are your complains about it? Thanks for all your replies.

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I was just wondering if anyone has tried the hex-1/hex-1 one grip. How is the grip? Is the stick pretty well balanced? What are your complains about it? Thanks for all your replies.

According to Mission customer service they won't be here for another couple of weeks.

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Quick question. Whats the weight of the Hex-1 going to be?

Mission has never published a weight that I am aware of.

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I think that the Hex weighs about the stealth and the feel is similar. I had one for a couple of weeks, but didn't like it so I sold it. The grip is very good imo!

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"I was just wondering if anyone has tried the hex-1/hex-1 one grip. How is the grip? Is the stick pretty well balanced? What are your complains about it? Thanks for all your replies. "

Please regard this posting, I had not read the links at that time.

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Thank you all for your info. Concerning the grip, was it supper tacky or did it allow you to slide moderately?

It's not overly grippy, it works best with a glove that has a grippy palm like the L7 or Helium.

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