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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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thanks Easy.

I heard one today at my high school's talent show, thats what got me thinking bout it. My school's breakdance people used a dance remix one to breakdance too, and I liked it.

My buddies Eric, and Brad on guitars, Danny on drums, and Nigel on bass, with me doing the vocals did Hotel California. We won first place with it. It was a weird feeling to be singing like that for people, and then having them join in. Any musician who has done their first performance will know what I'm tlaking bout.

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I have 10+ different versions of it.

REM does a good one, others include:


Echo and the bunnymen


Marilyn Manson

couple of techno/dance mixes

London Symphony

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Ya gob does a good cover and if you want a cover of Hotel California, Pennywise does a classic punk one...pretty good.

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I was at my high school reunion two weeks ago, and we heard a band playing for the current students, so we popped in to listen.

I think the band's name was ONYX from Providence, RI. For such a young band (late-teens, early-twenties) their live show was outstanding, particularly their show stopper. They have an electric violinist who's manic; he was gyrating so much I thought he might poke someone's eye. In any event, it took me about two minutes into their last song, which was really rocking, to realize it was Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons."

I've heard rock bands cover classical before, but I don't think I've ever heard them ROCK so much.

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I was at my high school reunion two weeks ago, and we heard a band playing for the current students, so we popped in to listen.

I think the band's name was ONYX from Providence, RI. For such a young band (late-teens, early-twenties) their live show was outstanding, particularly their show stopper. They have an electric violinist who's manic; he was gyrating so much I thought he might poke someone's eye. In any event, it took me about two minutes into their last song, which was really rocking, to realize it was Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons."

I've heard rock bands cover classical before, but I don't think I've ever heard them ROCK so much.

Scatterbrain did a couple of nice classical covers as well.

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