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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stickey choicey

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Hi there, i hope im not annoying you all with another thread with this style.

I have some cash over here and i want to spend it on a new stick, but i dont know which.

If the pattern is important, im a Modano-guy and i know all the clones, so finding the right curve wont be a problem.

So heres my question:

Could you tell me some Sticks of Easton Bauer CCM TPS and so on ?

Im acutally not talking bout the top-of-the-line sticks which will cost like the world, just sticks which are worth the money. Im not focused on any brand.

I would really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot.

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Most will agree that Easton Ultra Lights are good jack-of-all-trades shafts. You can buy those for about $100 Cdn. Then insert blade of your choice -- wood or composite, depending on your preference (and budget).


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Our Salming G1 comes with the Modano blade (and Sakic).

If price is more important, our TF1 is about 80% of the price, although it comes with different blades (Lidstrom and Sundin, with Sakic next year).

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Go with an Xn10 or R+. Right now I cannot thin k of a stick that will give you a better bang for your buck. It's top of the line performance, but costs about the same as a Havok, "The one", or other price-point sticks.

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Our Salming G1 comes with the Modano blade (and Sakic).

If price is more important, our TF1 is about 80% of the price, although it comes with different blades (Lidstrom and Sundin, with Sakic next year).

What's the Sundin Blade like?

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Where are you from? Call your LHS, check the internet, Ebay, etc... for the TPS sticks.

I've never seen the Salming stick for sale though.

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Our Salming G1 comes with the Modano blade (and Sakic).

If price is more important, our TF1 is about 80% of the price, although it comes with different blades (Lidstrom and Sundin, with Sakic next year).

What's the Sundin Blade like?

Sorry for not replying earlier. I had to coach my daughters' soccer team to three straight defeats in our end of season tournament. If anyone can tell me how to convince seven-year-olds to actually get a little giddy-up to their steps, I'm all ears.

If you look down the blade of our TF1 with a Sundin blade, it's a definite heel curve while the top of the toe is open-faced. In other words, the bottom of the toe is maybe half-an-inch closer to the net than the top of the toe. I don't know whether that's the same as the Brendl curve, but I wouldn't be surprised. Tooling is so expensive for manufacturers, a lot of them are recycling the same curves.

Alas, Eazy, you are correct that the Salming can't be spotted at a lot of retailers, but we're working on it. We've had great responses from those who have used them, though, and that's a start...

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Sundin blade, it's a definite heel curve while the top of the toe is open-faced. In other words, the bottom of the toe is maybe half-an-inch closer to the net than the top of the toe. I don't know whether that's the same as the Brendl curve, but I wouldn't be surprised. Tooling is so expensive for manufacturers, a lot of them are recycling the same curves.

Alas, Eazy, you are correct that the Salming can't be spotted at a lot of retailers, but we're working on it. We've had great responses from those who have used them, though, and that's a start...

Sounds more like his pro curve. A Drury retail type. The TPS Brendl (now named Sundin) was a big hook so It doesn't seem like they are similar. As for the girls soccer, tell'em you'll buy them all ice cream if someone scorers a "header" thats what my old coach did when I was a youngin, generally kids that age aren't good enough to score like that, but I remember working my ass off.

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How much will the OPS's be?

I can only tell you what their MSRP's are, since stores are free to sell them at whatever price they think is best. Generally, I've found stores mark products lower than MSRP.

The G1 has an MSRP of $160, while the TF1 has an MSRP of $130. They're very durable sticks. During the 30-Day warranty, the G1's breakage rate has been 2% to 3%; the TF1 has been somewhat similar but there's not enough history.

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