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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL players

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That's an awful high number on the bench press.

Maybe so.. :unsure:

I'm basing that on general rule that moderately serious guys into weight training can bench 1x their body weight pretty quickly..

By "moderately serious" I mean guys that have regular jobs, regular diets, no personal trainers, and work out 2 or 3 times a week off & on over a period of several years..

I'd guess that a pro athete with more time, technology, dedication, diet, and training would be able to do much better than a normal guy..

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One guy I know who worked for the wings told me that in the weight room he saw Sergei benching like 220-230lbs effortlessly, not sure how many reps exactly but he said it was a lot.

It's amazing what good shape NHL players are in, esp. some of the stronger & faster guys out there like St. Louis, Fedorov, Modano, Kariya, Kovalev, Jagr etc.

I remember several years back on NHL Cool Shots one of the girls was interviewing Vinnie Lecavalier and asking him about strength & conditioning (it seemed like she was kind of flirting with him lol) and she said something like "So you're only 5% body fat?... thats just like me! Im only 5% body fat!" :rolleyes:

But thats just an example of how well conditioned some of these hockey players are.

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I've been going hard in the weight room the past 2 summers.

During the season I just keep it to bike/cardio, 2 days of legs, and 2 days of uppers, usually after practice...

Is that what you were asking?

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I've been going hard in the weight room the past 2 summers.

During the season I just keep it to bike/cardio, 2 days of legs, and 2 days of uppers, usually after practice...

Is that what you were asking?

You board at Canterbury, right?

Do they have a stacked weight room or is it mediocre?

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The one at St. Andrew's is alright, I was worried about it at first but they've funded it pretty well for 2 years now and it looks good. I've heard that Shattuck's is unreal.

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Squat- 425 lbs. 5 reps. is my best.

Bench- 245 lbs. 4 reps. is my best

Just for comparison, the guy I used to train with whose been playing Major Junior for a few years now, is around the same for BP and I believe around the 460-280 squat range. Those numbers seem to serve as a good ballpark figure, and I'm sure as you get your feet wet playing at the next level they will increase a bit.

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i dont believe #94 on squat or bench, still in high school? no way.

unless u r a freak and unbelievably huge, but ud be unreal at puck then no?

From what I understand, he's pretty unreal.

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I'm 5'11 180 lbs.

If I was forced to describe my play I'd say I'm more of an agile/finesse playmaker, but I'm not afraid to get my nose a little dirty...

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im 14 ,5'8'' and 180 pounds NOT fat ,weird eh? i have a friend who does close to 200 pounds on bench press and he barely ever woks out and it sounds like #4 works out all the time ,some people can just build muscle and strength faster then others i guess. i could probably leg press close to 1500 pounds maybe more if there was enough room to put the weight on cause im just born with strong legs....my arms on the other hand are a whooole different story

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Sounds like me. I know I can't bench my own body weight but I could probably leg press a house. It helps having thighs larger than my waist and calfs that are bigger than my biceps.

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