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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One Piece Stick

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I am going to soon probably be in need of a new one piece stick. I at the moment am not really sure on what one to get I need a Sr. I am around 140 pounds and play D. I would like to hear what stick, curve, and flex you suggest me to get.

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What surface do you play on? How hard are you on your sticks? Are you looking for performance or durability? What flex do you like? What was your last stick and your likes/dislikes with it? What curve do you want? How much are you willing to spend?

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i have a rechi i think thats how you spell it curve i like between 80-100 flex. I am not that hard on my stick. I am looking mainly for performance.

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Get an Xn10 or R+, the performance and durability have been good (from my experience) and they can be had for a fairly cheap price. The Messier curve and eithewr a Whip or Regular flex should suit you well.

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Response Plus with out a doubt.

Really blade light for roller. Tucker blade if you play d IMO.

Regular flex if you can bang it, if not go with a whip but don't expect it to last too long

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Really blade light for roller. Tucker blade if you play d IMO.

Regular flex if you can bang it, if not go with a whip but don't expect it to last too long

Why? The Regular flex should last as long as any other flex and he should use a curve he's comfortable with.

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yeah i second mission. i love their sticks a lot, especially my M-1's...they are amazing sticks, enough said. very good durability and shine with performance

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yeah i second mission. i love their sticks a lot, especially my M-1's...they are amazing sticks, enough said. very good durability and shine with performance

M-1's are awsome sticks. You could probbly find one for under 100 bucks, if you look around.

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yeah i second mission. i love their sticks a lot, especially my M-1's...they are amazing sticks, enough said. very good durability and shine with performance

M-1's are awsome sticks. You could probbly find one for under 100 bucks, if you look around.

Yeah my LHS is selling them at $99, and I would pick up another one, but I am gonna hold off, wait til they get the Z-1, see how that is

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I like the idea of using shafts and blades more for roller... you can at least get a shaft you like with a decent ABS blade. Is the Havoc the only OPS out on the market with an ABS blade?

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I like the idea of using shafts and blades more for roller... you can at least get a shaft you like with a decent ABS blade. Is the Havoc the only OPS out on the market with an ABS blade?

Vectors as well and I believe the Z-1 blade will be similar to an ABS blade.

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