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Easton Sakic blade analog by Mission

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Hi, guys!

Can anyone help me with pattern choice?

I was solved on purchase stick Mission L2. But I can not be defined with a choice blade. Now I play with Easton ZCarfon Sakic Focus Flex pattern. So, what of pattern Mission is similar to pattern Easton Sakic? :unsure:


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Closest is probably the Hull. It's an Iggy clone, I went to the HUll from a Sakic and my shots turned out to be lower and more controlable. It's a nice all around curve.

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No, the Hull is closest to Iginla.

The Rafalski is the Sakic clone.

But he wants to get and L2, which doesn't come in a Rafalski.

I agree with Megamandan. The "closest" (not identical by any means) you can get would be a Hull. The Hull is a clone of the Iginla, and the Iginla is the closest Easton blade to a Sakic.

By the way, the Mission Hex-1 will be available in a Rafalski, so you might want to wait a couple more weeks and check that out.

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Hi, guys!

Can anyone help me with pattern choice?

I was solved on purchase stick Mission L2. But I can not be defined with a choice blade. Now I play with Easton ZCarfon Sakic Focus Flex pattern. So, what of pattern Mission is similar to pattern Easton Sakic? :unsure:


As mentioned, Rafalski is the closest but is not offered in the L2. Hatcher is also an open mid curve and is offered in the L2 but has a higher lie.

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you could always just sell the mission blades and pop your old sakic in the shaft. it seems like everyone i know has an l-2 with an easton blade.


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Hatcher is also an open mid curve and is offered in the L2 but has a higher lie.

True, the Hatcher has a higher lie than a Sakic or Hull, but not by as much as most people think. It seems that Mission made an error on last year's website, stating that the Hatcher was a lie 7. This information just rippled through to every online pattern database (including the one on this board). However, Mission catalogues as well as Mission's current roller hockey section of their website lists it as a lie 6.

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The 2005 catalog has no lie information in it at all. Mission said it was a Peca clone, ergo the 7 lie estimate.

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The 2004 catalogue does have lie info and, like a said, the Roller hockey portion of Mission's current web site also lists it as lie 6.

The old roller catalog has 6 in it too. I apologize for trying to tell you why we used 7 originally.

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No, the Hull is closest to Iginla.

The Rafalski is the Sakic clone.

But he wants to get and L2, which doesn't come in a Rafalski.

I agree with Megamandan. The "closest" (not identical by any means) you can get would be a Hull. The Hull is a clone of the Iginla, and the Iginla is the closest Easton blade to a Sakic.

By the way, the Mission Hex-1 will be available in a Rafalski, so you might want to wait a couple more weeks and check that out.

Thats what I was refering, sorry for not being specific I tend to do that a lot.

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