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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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playing team revision tonight

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I said i would do some fill in for a team tonight but didn't know they were playing team revision who has both colin sharp and kirk french on their team until i checked their schedule. I've never played against those guys and i'm sure it'll be a schooling so i was just wondering if anyone else has any experience playing against them? i normally play as a playmaking D-men who jumps in a lot but only in tier 3. I know i can skate with the best of them but i'm not very good at shooting, stick handling and am very weak when it comes to taking the body (i'm asian :lol: ). Am i in WAY over my head here and should i even try to show up? also the team i'm going to fill in for lost 11-5 to a med end team in that tier... :unsure:

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HAHAHA, justin thats pretty funny....lol

after you hit frenchy in the head, watch out for colin and his "mit", or "Fat Boy" Lance...both of them will tear you apart. hahaha


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So how'd it go? Did any of those guys jump to #1 in scoring because of your poor play? Haha, just kiddin...

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Alright a summary of the game... surprisingly we keep up with them in the first period and it ended up being 2-0 after the first. I was one of the faster ones on the floor and was also the youngest so i was mighty proud or so i thought... more on that later. anyways they had 3 subs while we only had one so by that time my team was very tired and we were all fighting to sub first... i for one was as good as done cause i just wasn't use to the pace. At that time we thought we played really good cause after all it was only 2-0 against the best team in BC. i don't think it was until 5-7 mins into the second (i think 4-1 at the time) when they got a penalty... both french, sharp and some other guy killed it and that was when they turned it up i guess cause they were just freaking amazing! it was keep away for those guys the whole 2 mins and we couldn't even get the puck. I saw how good they really were when i was skating after the puck after they shot it back into the own zone only to see frenchy blow by me with his speed. i can honestly say that he is the fastest guy i've ever played against or with. I'm no putter either cause i'm always one of if not the fastest in the tiers i play in and i've won the fastest in the league once but that frenchy was just a PRO. we ended up losing 8-2 but i think they were just toying with us cause if they played the whole game with the same effort as their PK it would of been 100-0. Frenchy scored a few but he was mostly the playmaker in that game while colin was just firing bullets every chance he got and had moves like no other. there was one move he made on me and all i remember is spinning out and landing on my ass after during two 360s and i still don't know what he did. :( colin was a bit rough but i could tell he wasn't going 100%. frenchy was a class act all the way and the game as a whole was very clean. Incase anyone wanted to know frenchy was wearing the H750 with white clear wheels but I don’t think they were factor wheels, white H750 gloves, yellow mission pants and I forgot the helmet. None of them was wearing anything special for skates not even top of the line stuff, which was strange for a sponsored team.

btw Justin i say hi to frenchy for ya but he didn't really know who you were even after i said Justin from Mission... He said "who" while shaking his head once and "i'm not to sure but i might have an idea" once.

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So how'd it go? Did any of those guys jump to #1 in scoring because of your poor play? Haha, just kiddin...

i think they were already on top in scoring... :lol: I did get invited to play again for that team so i must of done alright even after i was pushed around so much. i'm built like a tooth pick... <_< but i wasn't the worst player on the floor. ;)

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I'm surprised the top guys weren't wearing the top gear. Aren't they sponsored? I'm sure Mission must give them to those guys. I think I heard on here that the 750's are stiffer than the 950's. Maybe their selection is based on that?

How does French get his own homemade wheels? Does he actually make them, or does he know what he wants and orders them custom?

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ya i know... you would think they would go with the best stuff. i had my PF10's and i had the best skates on the floor. mostly lower end or older missions and no one was wearing any tours.

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hmmm i just checked out the revision website and who i thought was frenchy looks a lot like colin... :huh: maybe that is why that guy didn't know who justin was. if i'm right then the game would of looked a lot worse for us. :lol: that guy who ever he was looked a lot like lecavalier.

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no, kirk french designs the wheels and revision makes them.... they aren't actually his home made wheels sorry my bad

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Hey guys,

Before this topic spins a little out of control...I need to clarify some things:

Kirk is a sponsored player of Revision (and Mission as well, but lets stick to wheels), and he has played a very intricate role in product development helping us with our wheels.

Kirk tests any product that we need tested and tells us if its good or bad and what he feels needs to be changed. Then we go from there and make any appropriate changes.

Most importantly, Revision does all of its own designs and manufacturing. We have our own engineers and chemists designing our product.

Fortunately, Kirk also works for Revision heading up and coordinating sales and promotions for us there in BC and Vancouver.

I can see how people may think that he makes his own wheels because one of our line of wheels comes with his name on them. What we did was release a Signature Series line of wheels with Kirk French, Boyd Sutton, and Ben Frank versions.

So thats it in a nutshell.

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from what i was told, kirk designed the wheels... damm, maybe i'll return them

hah not a chance... by the way.. the wheels the best wheels i've used so far, i just hope they'll last longer than my labeda's did... it takes a few games to get used to it... but wow.. once you do get used to them.. they are hot... i'm using an all platinum setup... amazing...

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Thanks for the info. I assumed Kirk wasn't a chemist, haha. How can we get the "Signature Series" wheels here in NJ? Are they even available for retail?

KC, how much do you weigh? Just wondering, cuz the all platinum setup is for lighter players. I'm about 160 and I found them to be a tad too soft for my liking.

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Revision makes a great wheel... the Speed, Grip, and Rebound is amazing

#96.. I weigh 150 and I usually use the Platinum Gold Gold Platinum set-up if that helps you at all.. right now im on all platinums and i personally like how they feel right now

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CSW - thanks. I tried the all plat. setup awhile back. I liked them for grip and rebound BIGTIME, but compared the gold setup, I think I wanted a little more speed out of them. I guess it makes sense though, the softer you go, the less speed. That's the usual rule of them anyway.

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yeah theres definently certain wheels made for certain weights. Talk to Nick, its great that he knows so much about his product and is also a great guy

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thanks guys...

There was a thread about a month back titled "durometer" where there was alot of info passed about Revision.

Revision has some big plans for the remainder of 2005 and going into 2006. It just takes a little bit of time to get the product everywhere. You will be hearing about some stuff soon...we are getting the press releases typed up as we speak.

On the EC: go to 5-Hole hockey shop or Tab Ramos Sports Center...they now carry Revisions in the store.

This is just the beginning...we've been talking with many people and everyone seems excited to get the wheels in their stores.

Ask your pro shop if and when they will be bringing in Revision wheels. I'll tell you that most shops will be reluctant to carry a product that nobody is asking for...or even from a company as new to the market as Revision. So you just cant sit around and wait for them to show up...go out there and ask for them...

Also, heres a link to see the Variant Signature Series wheel line:


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Thanks Nick! 5 Hole is where I play...well ISCA actually, but 5 hole is the shop. That's where I got my original Revis.

Is the Variant Series basically the same as the current Plat Gold Bronze, with player's names on them? Or is this a different wheel altogether. They look a little different. I think the hubs are different.

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yeah the hubs are different from probably what you have. The new hubs i feel make the wheel alot lighter and give the wheel more bend on turns for grip

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Hiw di they compare with RR's? The only thin gim concerned about is durability ( i get a crazy amount out of my hornets, but are anxious to give these a shot) 10.00 a pop is a lot for something that may die on me in a few games)

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well i would rate these like 9.8/10 but i've only used them 3 or 4 times

and the rink rats would get an 8/10 for me..

and the labeda dynastys would get a 10/10 for me... but that was cause it lasted me just over 50 games... and they are still working, but cracking.... so i decided to go on the revisions... i weigh about 150 ish... i think... but i can seriously fly on those platinum revision wheels... some people that i know were complaining about the speed.. but seriously they are a lot faster depending on your stride.

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The new Variant wheels are designed with a new hub that has been engineered to obtain minimal loss of energy and also be very light weight. Most wheel hubs flex a bit to help with deflection when turning (like the Millenium and Halo) but this is a problem because these hubs lose energy when skating and turning .

Revision's "Blue Platform" Hub is made of a material that stays strong so you can obtain the maximum amount of energy and rebound out of the wheel (88% rebound in the Variant). We dont need a flexible hub because the TORUS does all the work. The TORUS allows for so much deflection when turning...but it still keeps the wheel stiff when in stride for speed.

Other differences between the older wheels and the Variant wheels are the shape of the TORUS...we modified the inner structure a bit to allow for more speed and grip. And finally the urethane...we've made some changes to the urethane that also allow for more speed and grip.


Weight: Without cutting corners for performance, we were able to stay within 1 gram difference than Factory's Z-Rated wheel...the lightest wheel in the world.

Durability: The Variant wheels get about 40-50 hours of durability on a tile surface. A little less than that on wood or roll-on. But beware, stay off the concrete..even if its just one trip to your car in the parking lot...our urethane is quite sensitive and will last long on tile..but when you start skating on asphault the durability goes way down.

I hope that helps...Im here to answer anyone's questions so done hesitate to ask.

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yeah i was just looking at my wheels and it was the variant line... i wonder what the old revision wheels felt like.. ?

i've the wheels feel really light.. i haven't tried the factory z rated wheels yet.

but the one thing i noticed is that the inner core is a lot bigger than the rest of the wheels. or that is what it looks like from the outside, i'm not going to take apart the wheel until the wheels is done, but from what it looks like from the outside its huge...

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