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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade thread

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hi there,

i used to have a folder which pics of all known curves from bauer easton ccm and stuff, unfortunately i did not backup this folder when i had to format my harddrive.

could you upload some pics of curves ?

Maybe we could make this thread sticky if someone needs to look how a certain curve looks like, he can look here.


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Good idea, but I'd suggest the pics go in the pattern database. There is a field for them, but just no pics!

Which leads me to wonder if, for example, a Sakic of today is the same as a Sakic of four years ago?



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Good idea, but I'd suggest the pics go in the pattern database. There is a field for them, but just no pics!

Which leads me to wonder if, for example, a Sakic of today is the same as a Sakic of four years ago?



The old Sakic had almost no loft and was a bit more shallow. A very nice curve in my book.

As to why there are no pics in the pattern DB, I have taken a number of pics but they do not match up exactly with the samples already in there. I should have room in my new house to set up a jig to hold blades and sticks so all pictures are taken from the exact same angle. By the end of summer I should have something set up.

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hey guys, i didn't want to start a new thread but I tried searching the forum for pics and/or specs of Markus Naslund and Ilya Kovalchuk's pro patterns. Does anyone here have resources to both? It would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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hey guys, i didn't want to start a new thread but I tried searching the forum for pics and/or specs of Markus Naslund and Ilya Kovalchuk's pro patterns. Does anyone here have resources to both? It would be much appreciated. Thanks!

pro stock naslund is the same as his retail curve P92 Bauer/PT3 Nike

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