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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problem with new skates

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Hey guys, I have play 3 times so far this summer with my new Graf 704. Last year, I was wearing the same skates, the only thing different is that my new skates have a thickier skate tongue.

Here's my problem, I don't know why but when I do crossover, I'm unbalance and I'm not very smooth on my skates like usually. is it because they are still very stiff, do you guys have also experience like that with new skates? Or maybe I'm not used with the sharpening because it is not the same with a new blade...

I'll wait for your thoughts on that.

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I had the same experience when I was trying to conform to my Graf 705s from Bauer Air 90s. It's hard to decipher what may be the cause with your case, for me, it turned out to be the pitch of the Cobra holder; too aggressive.

But in all honesty it sounds like a sharpening issue.

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i cant too crossovers well right now with my new xxs, break em in

I think we kinda have the same problem right now, you were from the same skates too I think yglod, so like you said I will break them in.

They are pretty stiff right now, I think that in like 10 games I should be ok.

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you might have a different rocker from your old skates. try not doing the top eyelet to give yourslef some more ankle flex, also put your old skates and new skates next together on a table and see where the blade hits. that would give you an idea on where you skates are on the ice

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you might have a different rocker from your old skates. try not doing the top eyelet to give yourslef some more ankle flex, also put your old skates and new skates next together on a table and see where the blade hits. that would give you an idea on where you skates are on the ice

I think the problem is that the rocker is different, I'll check with my dad.

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