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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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End Plugs

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Heres the deal. I have an old Aluminum shaft that I like to take out now and then, but sadly, its to short. Even with an 8 inch end plug, its still short by an inch or two. So that brings me to two questions. (1) Can any end plugs be found that will add more then 8 inches? (2) Also, when I told some friends this problem, one of them said to take an old hockey stick, cut off enough to add 10 inces, then file part of it down to fit in the shaft. Has anyone tried that?

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it will most likely work if i still had wood tech in school id make you a couple but its only a half year course,even if its not done exactly perfect just use extra glue on the blade

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Thats for all the help guys. I ended up cutting off a piece of an old Sher-Wood, and after alot of sanding and what not, I ended up with a 13 inch end plug (10 inches added to the shaft) And thanks for the link Seanmccann, I will probbly pick up a few of those too.

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Wow thats crazy. At that point it must be like a half-wood stick lol, probably pretty heavy too. I always thought that it might be a good idea to drill a hole in an end plug to make it lighter but never got around to trying it.

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Wow thats crazy. At that point it must be like a half-wood stick lol, probably pretty heavy too. I always thought that it might be a good idea to drill a hole in an end plug to make it lighter but never got around to trying it.

Yeah, actually it does look quite weird when its in the stick. Also, the Sher-Wood that I made it out was one of the lighter woodies, I guess I got lucky that I had a broken one in the garage, the plug that I ended up with diddn't seem to weight much more then the 8 inch one, it surprised me. I did drill a good size hole through the middle, that may have something to do with it.

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Oh, good call. Plus you don't need to really about the durability of a plug because it's not like someones going to slash the top of your stick.

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i found a broken synergy that was too short for a shaft, so i took a broken tri-core and the skinny part of the butt end and conjoined the 2 sticks, it wiggles like crazy when i shoot but it sure looks funny.

the bad thing about the 12 inch end plugs is that they add a lot of weight to your stick.

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just so u know 12 inch but ends should be available at most shops

Thats what I thought too. I called all the hockey store around here, and nobody carried any that would add more then 8 inches. The overall length might be 12 inches, but 2 to 3 inches go to the part that goes into the shaft. I ended up with a plug that added 10 inches, not counting the 3 inches that went into the shaft.

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Most shops I know only stock the 6 or 8 inch butt ends. If you have to put a foot long plug into a stick, you're probably better off with another stick.

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just so u know 12 inch but ends should be available at most shops

Thats what I thought too. I called all the hockey store around here, and nobody carried any that would add more then 8 inches. The overall length might be 12 inches, but 2 to 3 inches go to the part that goes into the shaft. I ended up with a plug that added 10 inches, not counting the 3 inches that went into the shaft.

i know that ive got a 12inch one thats not including the part that goes it :lol:

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