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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 8000 Protective Gear

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Just out of curiousity, has anyone tried any of the new Bauer 8000 protective gear? I saw some of it at a lhs (didn't get a chance to look too hard at it) and I am wondering if it is any good. If anyone has any experiences with it I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the usual factors (fit, comfort, protection, etc.)

Thanks in advance.

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I've got the shoulders and shins in stock.

Shins are the old Vapor 10, non-adjustable.

THere are two sets of shoulders - Defender and Lightspeed. It's based on the Vapor 10 stuff from last year, however, with Dri-Fit. The Defender stuff is beefier than the Lightspeed. I liked the Lightspeeds...Defender just felt too damn bulky.

The elbows are similar to the old Techniflex.

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I can't comment on the 8000s but I do own a pair of the 6000 shin gaurds, and I absolutely love them. They are extremely comfortable. After putting them on and skating around for a bit I completely forget that I am wearing them. Also they are very light and breathe really well. Plus the removable liners dry them out extremely quickly. They also are very protective. In the couple times that I have used them I've taken some slappers off of my shins and only new that it hit me because I saw it.

Since the 8000s are just the step up from them I am sure they are just as good if not better. If you want to save a bit of cash pick up a pair of the 6000s. You definitely won't regret it.

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