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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New tour skates!

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currently I'm using mission 950's, but I wanna change to Tour Skates (beemers).

You guys think I'm gonna have problems getting used to the tour skates?

I know my question is out of the main topic.


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When switching over I really had very few problems. Your gona go faster which is always better. You will probably not be able to sprint as quick but that may have just been me. Before I got my beamers I was using a sensor frame. The other problem that took getting us to was turning. With a hummer it is harder to turn sharp.

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Whether the Beemer or Code-1 or any other skate is right for you depends on what fits you best. The fit or the Code-1 will be similar to the Beemer, although the internal guts and lining will be different than the Beemer. I have been in this business for a long time, and I have learnt that no single skate or brand fits everyone. Tour skates are slightly wider than some of the other brands. Most people do find them to be quite comfortable. My suggestion is not to purchase a pair of skates based on price or appearance. Get to a dealer that carryings several brands and find out what fits you best. There is nothing worst than feet that hurt. With the selections available, no one should have to skate with pain.

As far as the frame on Tour skates, they feature the Labeda Hum'er. In most sizes this is an all 80mm set up. The two front wheels are recessed into the outsole to lower the center of gravity, makes skating much easier. Basicly resulting in the same height as High Low frames. Most people relate to speed when they think of 80mm wheels, what they miss, is that the main feature of 80mm wheels on the front is grip. More urethane relates to improved grip. Agian this is not to say this set up is for everyone, go with what fits your skating style. If you are ever at an event where the Tour truck is at, you can demo a pair of skates to compare for your self. In todays market there are a lot of quality skates to choose from, be a smart consumer and get something that fits you. No two feet are exactly alike.

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I had a pair of Beemer’s. I personally thought they were crap

if you play for the Jr Typhoon..a Tour sponsored group, regardless of whether you like the product or not..why would you just throw it under the bus??

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"Thrown under the bus" means to have someone put you at risk, or put you in a bad position. So what Jim meant, I believe, is that you play for a Tour team that is nice enough to sponsor you, but you trashed their product.

However, I think Hoff's post said he got them from a local pro that sold them to him for dirt cheap. So obviously, Hoff had to pay for them. And because he paid for them, he should then have the right to trash them! Haha.

But, if it was a fully sponsored team, ie jerseys, skates, equipment, etc., and he insisted on trashing the manufacturer, then yes, that would be biting the hand that feeds you.

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see.i'm all about that..but just saying something is crap..well..that just provides no info

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I dont like the way tour sells there skates. It's all a sales ditch. I realized to make it look like a "lo'boy" boot they take the tounge of the boot n dip it in the boot. Check it out the next time your in person looking at tour skates.


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