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Question about customs when from hockeygiant.com

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Hey guys, sorry if this is posted in the wrong area, but I was wondering if people from Canada can let me know their expierences with customs charges when buying skates from Hockeygiant? I'm thinking about buying some rollerblades but I'm just wondering if it'll be worth it if I get nailed with a big customs fee.

Any help would be great, thanks very much.

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I have a cottage in vermont and when i order stuff online. i ship there then i bring my hockey bag with me and i leave the piece of equipment that i'm ordering at my cottage. Never had to pay duty on any thing yet . So far that trick is 4/4

Hope this helps ya

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Hey guys, sorry if this is posted in the wrong area, but I was wondering if people from Canada can let me know their expierences with customs charges when buying skates from Hockeygiant? I'm thinking about buying some rollerblades but I'm just wondering if it'll be worth it if I get nailed with a big customs fee.

Any help would be great, thanks very much.

I called Canada Customs (whatever they are called) and they told me that you don't have to pay any taxes for skates items coming from the US. However, my items were originally made in Canada. Note that you should be careful too that your carrier doesn't hose you. Your safest bet is to always use USPS.

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Hey guys, sorry if this is posted in the wrong area, but I was wondering if people from Canada can let me know their expierences with customs charges when buying skates from Hockeygiant? I'm thinking about buying some rollerblades but I'm just wondering if it'll be worth it if I get nailed with a big customs fee.

Any help would be great, thanks very much.

custums fee: they will convert your the price you payed for your skates into canadian then the will add canadian taxes.

exemple: Lets say your skates cost 350$ US and the exchange rate is 1.25$ so they would convert your skates price into canadian so 437.50$. then they would charge canadian taxes on the skates 14.5% which equals to a 500.10 $ Can or approx. 400$ US

Hope u understand what i'm trying to say lol

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Make sure you don't use UPS or Fedex as your carrier, they'll charge you an additional $40 for brokerage fees for taking the skates across the border... thats on top of the customs fees. Use USPS if possible or deliver to an american address

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Well I ordered my skates Tuesday night and received them today (Thursday), I can't beleive how fast they got here. I had to pay $26 customs or whatever but that's alright by me. Thanks for all your help guys.

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Well I ordered my skates Tuesday night and received them today (Thursday), I can't beleive how fast they got here. I had to pay $26 customs or whatever but that's alright by me. Thanks for all your help guys.

how did you get it shipped?

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