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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Straightening Skate Blades

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Hi guys. I'm wondering how you go about straightening skate blades on ice skates. I work in a hockey shop, so it's something that I should really know, but there aren't many people to ask here in New Zealand, so I'm turning to your collective wisdom. I've looked at re-riveting the cones to straighten steel, but I've found for slight alterations that the rivet holes overlap the original ones so much that the new rivets can move about between the bigger double hole. Any tips?



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If the holes are too big you might have to use coppers.

As far as straightening goes, do you have a straightener? You'll still have to bend them back straight before you rivet.

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We have a lever type thing at work that bends the blade straight without snapping the steel. I'm pretty sure its manufactured by Guspro.

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Hi guys. I'm wondering how you go about straightening skate blades on ice skates. I work in a hockey shop, so it's something that I should really know, but there aren't many people to ask here in New Zealand, so I'm turning to your collective wisdom. I've looked at re-riveting the cones to straighten steel, but I've found for slight alterations that the rivet holes overlap the original ones so much that the new rivets can move about between the bigger double hole. Any tips?



Most blade straightening devices can take out minor bends caused by puck hits.

Bends can be caused by misaligned holders. Don't even try to use old holes, the rivets move around and the bend will return. Best to drill a new hole. I like to go 1/2 way to the next rivet.

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Thanks for the replies!

We don't have a blade straightener - any recommendations or rough estimates on prices? Also. is it reasonably obvious when the bent steel in a result of a bad mount or not?

Thanks again.

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Blademaster sells them. Center Ice (www.centerice.on.ca) sells them as well - probably cheaper than BM's.

Yes, if it is a bad mount, when you remove the back rivets, you'll see that it was forced into position. It'll spring back to a straight position.

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Blademaster sells them. Center Ice (www.centerice.on.ca) sells them as well - probably cheaper than BM's.

Yes, if it is a bad mount, when you remove the back rivets, you'll see that it was forced into position. It'll spring back to a straight position.

Another good way is to straighten first with the vice, then if the bend returns, you know it's the holder.

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Cheers Jimmy, Cavs and JR. Makes life a lot easier with guys like you out there to ask questions! If you ever need to know anything about New Zealand, or need the rules of cricket explained, I'll be able to return the favour!

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Cheers Jimmy, Cavs and JR. Makes life a lot easier with guys like you out there to ask questions! If you ever need to know anything about New Zealand, or need the rules of cricket explained, I'll be able to return the favour!

no problem, glad we can help. As for NZ, you may not have a lot of hockey there, but I hear like there is 5 girls for every guy. :D

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no problem, glad we can help. As for NZ, you may not have a lot of hockey there, but I hear like there is 5 girls for every guy. :D

I wish! I think we're about even. Russia is the only place I can think of that has noticably more girls than guys... Russian bride anyone?

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