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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does ANYONE have the custom spec sheet for eagle gloves? What do you guys recommend as the best options for eagle gloves? Would you recommend xxx's over eagles?

Thanks for your replies

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Custom color diagram or just a list of options?

I suggest Goat palm, split finger and inserts if you're in a competitive league.

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A list of options please. How much would goat plams, split finger and inserts cost on the x70 white carbon gloves. Also, which is better, the Pro synthetic leather or carbon?

what's the difference between pro carbon and carbon?

Is pro flash the same thing as pro glo?

Thanks for your help.

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A list of options please. How much would goat plams, split finger and inserts cost on the x70 white carbon gloves. Also, which is better, the Pro synthetic leather or carbon?

what's the difference between pro carbon and carbon?

Is pro flash the same thing as pro glo?

Thanks for your help.

It all depends on how much your LHS wants to mark you up for it. I would expect something around 100 for those options, but don't quote me on it. By the way, from my experience the XXX's fit way, way differently than X70's do, so you are just going to have to find which one is more comfortable. Why are you so set on Carbon?

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A list of options please. How much would goat plams, split finger and inserts cost on the x70 white carbon gloves. Also, which is better, the Pro synthetic leather or carbon?

what's the difference between pro carbon and carbon?

Is pro flash the same thing as pro glo?

Thanks for your help.

This is what I would charge, other dealers will vary.

Goat palm $7.50

Split finger $14

Inserts cost extra for fingers backroll and cuff. The best bet there would be to upgrade to the "custom pro" model if you want all the options.

Carbon is the same cost as regular portofino

Flash is not pro glo, it is a softer material and the gloves will feel broken in a little quicker.

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So what wold you charge for the total cost be for "v70 custom pro gloves w/ split finger and goat palms and carbon outer?"

Is there a performance difference between flash and carbon?


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So what wold you charge for the total cost be for "v70 custom pro gloves w/ split finger and goat palms and carbon outer?"

Is there a performance difference between flash and carbon?


Custom pros would be over $200, plus the goat palm. Flash is softer so it feels broken in a little quicker than standard while carbon is a little stiffer than standard. The split finger will resolve some of that stiffness.

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ive got an eagle spec sheet for colour with everything on there for like what colours u want where, where u want ur name. either on the cuff or cuff roll. what type of palm and u can add stuff also

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ive got an eagle spec sheet for colour with everything on there for like what colours u want where, where u want ur name. either on the cuff or cuff roll. what type of palm and u can add stuff also

I know you're older than 12, please make more of an effort when typing.

6. Use the best English and spelling you can. There are members from all over the world who have enough trouble translating proper English, let alone your shorthand.

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