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Lightspeeds with Synergy 1300 Skates...

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Hey, I thought there had been a topic similar, but couldn't find it...

Anyways, I'm skating in 8090s right now and i like them but I just like the Synergy 1300 boot a bit better. The only thing I did not like about the Synergys was the feel of the holder. Not necessarily skating forward, but backwards. I didn't feel as balenced on the Razor-Bladz2 holder as I do on Tuuks.

So for anyone who put Lightspeed/LS2 holders on their Synergys, how did they feel? Did they feel more stable than the RazorBladz? Was it worth changing?

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i relle didnt like the holders that much either when i got them ,but after a week i got used to them..they are relle nice but i might change them to tu'k custom +

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Yeah i used synergys for about a month...it's a long story, dont ask, but i still wasn't completely happy with the holders as far as skating backwards(which is important to me because i'm a defenseman.)

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im a defenseman too ,and skating backward in them did take a little getting used to,i still dont fell that comfortable with them ,they feel more pitched forward then tu'ks so i think im going to get custom + put on

edit:I just compared the razor bladez with tu'ks and the razors were about 2-3 mm pitched forward

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I did a pair for someone on the board. The composite is very hard to press into. He was supposed to send it back down so I can copper the entire boot.

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Yeah? That kind of sucks, but seems like more people than me have problems with the RazorBladz because of the backwards skating thing. Yeah, they did feel more pitched forward.

Well let me just say that my coach seemed to think the Synergys were rockered too "on my heels"....guess his theory is wrong. BTW, I was skating in XXs before i used the synergys for a month, then wasn't allowed to use them because my coach didn't like them.

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Yeah? That kind of sucks, but seems like more people than me have problems with the RazorBladz because of the backwards skating thing. Yeah, they did feel more pitched forward.

Well let me just say that my coach seemed to think the Synergys were rockered too "on my heels"....guess his theory is wrong. BTW, I was skating in XXs before i used the synergys for a month, then wasn't allowed to use them because my coach didn't like them.

I've had 4 people I know ask me to profile their Easton skates because they thought the Eastons put them on their heels too much. 2 of them ended up in S400s.

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i felt really on my toes though....were they 1300s?

no, as far as I know only one kid in the area actually bought them. The other guys got freebies from the rep.

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I was skating in XXs before i used the synergys for a month, then wasn't allowed to use them because my coach didn't like them.

Thats sad to say the least.....Id be pissed if that happen. Anyone els see a problem with that?


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yes and no. A coach should never tell a player what they can or can not use. That said, a player should use what works best for them, not the coolest and latest products and a coach should be able to tell when a product is preventing a player from playing their best.

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agreed chadd, BUT, these skates didn't have any affect on my skating aside from them fitting my feet much better. I asked assistant coaches and other players on my team and parents, etc if they saw any change....they said no.

By the way, my coach also has a problem with everyone using composite sticks...but he uses one himself, and everyone on the team uses one including his son. It really seems that he has a problem with everything new that comes out. I'm sure in a year he won't see a problem with composite skates.

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why dont you just tell your coach that they fit you better then your old skates and if he doesnt like you wearing them, for whatever reason, thats his problem. if my coach ever told me i couldnt wear a pair of skates that i paid over 500$ for and they fit me better, i would tell him to shove it.

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i wasn't out any money for one thing, and umm, when the skates affected my playing time i wasn't going to let that happen.

Anyways, enough of that, back on topic please.

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just got my synergys back from the lhs,i had my grey tuuks put on they look really nice..ill post a pic later if any one wants to see them.


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I've used synergy's with lightspeeds on them for about 30 minutes. The pitch feels similar to the stock razor bladz/LPS2 gig but my foot was in too much pain to give an honest opinion.

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