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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer pro stock pants

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I saw a pair of pro stock bauer pants, and was wondering if all pro stock pants are two piece, or if some of them are not?

--these are supreme 5000's, and the string up looks like the top two eylets are attached to something else, so is it likely it is two piece?--

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5000s were two-pc at the retail level.

oh really? Thanks jr!

Turns out I have another question, how does the shell connect to the girdle? does it hook on, have straps or something, or is it held on by the belt?

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is there anyway you can attach a pro stock girdle to like a bauer vapor 8 girdle

Why would you need two girdles?

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That's what I do. Some have the belts in them already (CCM Supra), some you have to loop a loose belt through the holes (everyone else). Put the girdle on, then the shell and do up the belt.

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On my Bauer shell/Tackla upper combo, the two belt holes are on the front and are lower than the button holes. The belt ends up shredding the pads. Is there some other way to arrange the belt so as to avoid the shredding?

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