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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton blades

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Its even hilarious that you americans and canadians complain about hockey being an expensive sport... just look at us europeans, you get like 2-3 sticks for the amount we pay for 1 :unsure:

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there working on introducing there CNT technology into composit blades

the CNT technology has been big in baseball so far, the stealth bats use it and they are one of the best bats right now

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Its even hilarious that you americans and canadians complain about hockey being an expensive sport... just look at us europeans, you get like 2-3 sticks for the amount we pay for 1 :unsure:

who's complaining.. ? i'm just saying hockey prices in general are ridiculous.

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As been said in another thread, the Bauer Vapor X is supposed to compete with the Z-carbon as is the Vapor x shaft is to compete with the z-bubble. I guess i was one of the unlucky ones with the z-carbon( 2 weeks ) IMO the Bauer Vapor X is a better blade for performance and durability.

And isn't the blade supposed to be manufactured by Inno? Or something like that? Maybe that's why many like it, many people on here love Inno products

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