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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1st post and Graf Laces!

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Well finally decided to come on over and join after reading all the topics on the site for alwhile so wohoo.

Anyways, I was wondering if Graf laces are all they are made up to be and are they waxed? I searched and it said they were pretty good but nothhing about being waxed. I just got a pair of white Bauer ones from my LHS but they are unwaxed, so I'm not sure how long they'll last. Any suggestions, and how I could find Graf laces?

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You can also look for tex-style laces, basically the same as Graf wax laces.

tex-style is the best, hands down. Wax miracle tip all the way.

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graf and text-style are different. the graf, they both have molded tips on them, the text style one is abit thinner where the graf waxed lace i find is a bit wider across and holds much better. ive used both and i keep gettin the graf one

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i tried on some grafs a week ago ,they had white unwaxed laces

the only grafs that come without wax laxes are the older ones i.e 1993 models

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I dont use any other laces besides the Grafs. The tips are pretty much indestructable.

They have tons of Graf waxed laces in a couple of colors at my local PIAS. I could pick them up for some people next time i go there. Probably run you about $4-5 shipped.

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I dont use any other laces besides the Grafs. The tips are pretty much indestructable.

They have tons of Graf waxed laces in a couple of colors at my local PIAS. I could pick them up for some people next time i go there. Probably run you about $4-5 shipped.

I need some. Black 96". About 4 pair.

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They have tons of Graf waxed laces in a couple of colors at my local PIAS. I could pick them up for some people next time i go there. Probably run you about $4-5 shipped.

I need some. Black 96". About 4 pair.

Alright, i'll see if i can get there this weekend. What should i do if they dont have any black ones?

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