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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK sticks

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Does anybody have a opinion,or review on the RBK 5k jr. sticks?I'm trying to decide between the 5k or spent more and get the easton SL for my son.THX

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they had them at my lhs since january ,the shaft seems a little thinner than a jr synergy,but not that much of a difference...its seem to be a good stick,i would probally buy that for your son rather than an sl,its a good stick and alot of younger kids around here like them.

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I just weighed the two sticks, the Easton is 2 oz lighter. However, the Easton is 2 inches shorter, overall length. So the weight dif between the two is not that much.

Those who have bough the 5k have liked it a lot. The Eastons are a bit pricy, for just a bit more you could get RBKs for the price of 1. Just a thought.

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Thanks everybody for the input,but can anybody who has used the 5k stick comment on shooting and stickhandling.Thx

How a stick performs for your son could be way different than what others say, there are too many variables. The only real way to find out is to find a RBK that matches the pattern, flex and lie of a stick your son shoots well with now. Odds are that the RBK will be similar.

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jimmy...what do you weight?? a sr or jr stick??and what the total Weight of them...??( not the difference between these 2!)

And why would rbk would be only used for college??

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I weighed the jr sticks because that's what he was asking about.

FYI, the 5k Sr weighs aaprox 18oz, the jr weighs approx 15 oz.

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