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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM 1152 Tack to Nike Flexlite

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hey guys,

I was looking forward the Flexlite 10, but i had a chance to try the Flexlite 12...

1. What are the difference between the F10 and F12...any one know...because i cant find a difference...

2. Ther F12 fit really well...certainly better than my 1152 but i have a problem...skating forward isnt SO BAD...crossover not so bad either...but skating backward IS LIKE IMPOSSIBLE!....it seem like im too much on my heel...any one experience that?? i dont know if it a pitch problem...or how can i fix it...

3.on my 1152 i was using T-lades for 2 year now...could it be this...my skating problem?? the holder doesnt pitch the same and-or i am just too used to tblades....

i would really like to try another brand( Nike) but....they feel so CONFORTABLE in the shop...but once on the ice it doesnt feel so good....

IF anybody can help me please??

P.S: Talking about pitch...do skate boot have a pitch too...or it only the holder that make it pitching more backward or more forward??

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anyone experience something similar?? look like Nike has some problem with their holder...

anyways thanks blues!

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It would be an expensive experiment if you are doing it solely for a different pitch. Keep in mind that you can't alter the t'blades' pitch (you can put a lift, but the holder is tall as it is) - you can with LS however.

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i dunno...i don't whant to swap some mission holder on...and finally decide that...i can't live without t'blades...

I use tblade for 2 year now...i'm really used to them... my problem with the F12(well i think) it a mix of the heel-pitch and the standard blades...

by the way i always skated in Prolite3 before switching to Tblades...

Sogaduch- yea i know the Nike are higher but i got used to...but i still have a little preferance for a bit lower cut boot!

JR- AS mentionned in this post...i use t-blades for 2 year...i never had problem with the pitch i really like it...but here where i'm wondering(and i'm sure you can answer me this!!)

Do skate boot are straight or they all have a different angle!? if they are all straight ...the problem is ONLY from the holder(which i can fix it...since i'm used to t-blades) but if they do not have all the same angle then...i can't be sure...

I'm asking you this because i remember on CCM website...in the interactive section...showing the construction of the 1152 compared to the 2003 Pro tack...and the pro tack were a bit more forward pitching(well according to CCM website...)

Anyways, thanks guys...KEEP POSTING!! i don't whant to make a bad move...because if i'm not 100% it would be nice...i will try to get the closeout on some 1152 or pro tack and put tblades on them!!but i'm really in love with those Flexlite!!:S

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