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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sport Chek

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so,the reg. price on sicores there is $240 USD ,wow thats more than a stealth,si cores around here are only $99.99 USD same with all synergies

Canucks get SCREWED on all Easton products and most hockey stuff in general.

You can thank your government for that.

What's the deal with easton and canada? I see all this stuff online about no easton products to canada and stuff, so what's the deal?

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so,the reg. price on sicores there is $240 USD ,wow thats more than a stealth,si cores around here are only $99.99 USD same with all synergies

Canucks get SCREWED on all Easton products and most hockey stuff in general.

You can thank your government for that.

What's the deal with easton and canada? I see all this stuff online about no easton products to canada and stuff, so what's the deal?

It's not Easton, it's the Canadian tariffs. The only reason Easton won't permit dealers to ship is to protect Canadian shops who have to pay prices that were inflated by those taxes on imported products. You have to respect them for trying to protect their dealers.

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so,the reg. price on sicores there is $240 USD ,wow thats more than a stealth,si cores around here are only $99.99 USD same with all synergies

Canucks get SCREWED on all Easton products and most hockey stuff in general.

I'll admit that easton products are generally very overpriced here in Canada, and the border costs pretty much shits the bed on every good internet deal, but how are we getting screwed on this deal for the si-core? you state that they are selling for $100 USD in the states...which is equivalent to $125 CDN, the price they are currently selling. so i dont think this deal is one where you can say we are getting screwed over on if your getting the same deal in the states.

this quote is from xe.com ... i dont see how its a bad deal for canadians

100.00 USD Canada Dollars

United States Dollars = 123.616 CAD

1 USD = 1.23616 CAD 1 CAD = 0.808957 USD

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these si-cores are discontinued, the only reason us canadians can get hockey gear or easton products this cheap is when this stuff goes on close out, we won't be able to get it on sale like americans do...

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easton stuff is generally priced lower in the states, but its just that the border taxes kill just about every good online deal, and many sellers aren't willing to go through that

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