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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tri-Flex Question

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on my red/silver triflex I can see a little crack around where the R is in BAUER near the blade, I dunno if it's a fused OPS or not.

1. Is this stick tapered?

2. Is it fused so I can heat it up and rip the blade out?

3. If I CAN rip the blade out, what blade would fit? Tapered or Standard?

Either way my main question is probably #3 because I'll probably end up hacking the blade off if I can't heat it up and pull it out.


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You can heat it up and pull the blade out. Tapered blades will fit.

Does anyone know if that is the case with the Triflex Gold as well?

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well my shot at pulling the blade out turned VERY unsuccessful

I ended up tearing the hosel apart and saw the foam.

I cut it just after the A and it still accepts Taper blades still. Oh well, this will be my very first tapered shaft :)

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No offense but the Bauer Tri-Flex really sucks... i had one and I have to say the thing sucks, maybe it was my blade or a defect but I honestly have to say it was the worst stick I have had. *But* I had a whippy blade (it was weird) so maybe a new blade will solve it because the flex was the only good attribute I found on it. So good luck with it and let me know how it turns out. :)

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i know the stick blows

it's the worst stick i've ever used, the blade has no feel to it but it is quite light IMO and just way too stiff

thats why i'm doing this to it, give it a better blade so it can turn out to be a half decent stick for me and also i'm doing this cause i have nothing better to do with the thing

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You can heat it up and pull the blade out. Tapered blades will fit.

Does anyone know if that is the case with the Triflex Gold as well?

Tapered blades fit but you have to cut it. Heating and pulling didn't work for me.

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