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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Someone stole my sticks

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I can only share one story of being victimizied. I was playing in my house league game trying out my beautiful Pro-Stock Landon Wilson Si-Core. Before I used it though, I black out the name bar with marker (this comes back later). So after my first game with it I put it in the stick corner get un-dressed and hit the showers. I get out of the shower and look in the corner and my si-core is gone. Unfortunately everyone in view of the door was either in the shower, or waiting to get in. So I throw a "f*** it all" temper tantrum, throw my clothes on, and run into the lobby, but nobody was there. The next week my team is playing the "green" team of the league. I noticed one of their defencemen that I despise has a nice new Pro-Stock Si-Core in the same hand as me with the same tape-job I used on it. So after begging to play forward and explain my case to my coach, I get to play right-wing that night. YAY!!! :D So first shift of the game, I smoke the guy down in the corner, he trys to fight me so I rip off his helmet and give one shot to the jaw to drop him. But before I head to the box I grab the Si-Core and take it with me. **Geez, the curve and flex seemed awfully familiar** His coach comes steaming over and starts screaming at my dad (who was convenor of the league) that I stole his players stick. So after the game, the coach and Dumbfuck McGee (as I have now named that player) come into the room and demand I give the stick back. I put my hand over the blacked out name bar (sound familiar) and ask the coach to have the kid tell me what curve and flex is on the stick. He says Lidstrom and 110. Uh sorry buddy, Wilson uses a Drury variation with a 90 flex. So I rub on the plate to reveal "28 Wilson" which I had just said would be on there, my whole team erupts laughing, it helped that we beat them 12-2. To boot, my dad came in bout 10 seconds after the reveal, and said, "Hey Dan, you found your Si-Core?" I explained to him about Dumbfuck McGee, and my dad as it so happened still had the bill in his wallet that read, PHO "28 WILSON" SI-CORE PRO. All is well that ends well in my story. I got my Si-Core back, and Dumbfuck has been banned from playing for my league for Robbery.

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The typical thing where his parents were like, "We dont need this hockey, we can go somewhere else." Only thing is, the pres of my minor hockey association informed the other teams in the area, and they said they won't allow Dumbfuck to play because he is a criminal.

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haha thats the greatest thing ive ever heard! :lol:

i lucky ive never anything stolen(knock on wood), but my friends have had sticks stolen.

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Last year the team i made had a policy that all players needed a white helmet, so after being told you're on the team me and my dad go out and buy a white bauer 5000 and i got home put my chrome cage on it and went off to play shinny at the local rink... me and my buddy who happened to be on the same team as me and just got his helmet too. put them down on our sticks which were sticking out of the snow bank to go get our pucks that went onto the pleasure ice and we get back and to my surprise my new helmet is gone. So i look around and through the chainlink i see this kid about 8 or 9 and a bigger guy about 16-17 and the kids handing the guy my helmet and then he took off in his car. Never got my helmet back and had to go buy a Bauer 4000 because all of my lhs were out of white 5000's.

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