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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MVP Baseball

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Anyone here play EA Sports MVP Baseball 05? I really like it a lot and it is great to play against friends. I am really competitve and get really into it. I have started playing online and that is also a ton of fun.

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Yeah, my friend has it and I play it a lot. I love the Owner Mode thing, and the graphics are unreal. The stamina on Pitchers does go down too fast though, but amazing game.

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Yeah, my friend has it and I play it a lot. I love the Owner Mode thing, and the graphics are unreal. The stamina on Pitchers does go down too fast though, but amazing game.

Just tweak it with the gameplay tuning. Baserunners are WAY too slow when a quick guy like Orlando Hudson can't even tag up and go for home when he's on third, even with a guy with a weak arm.

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i have tweaked it...my baserunners are unbelieveably fast...7 games in, Marcus Giles has 20 or so stolen bases...and I average about 9 runs a game

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