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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi all,

Is grip proven to help your stickhandling or is it just all PP??

I was talking to a guy at my LHS and he said that it will definetly give me more puck control. I thought that was going out on a limb when he has never seen me puck handle.



We were discussing Syn. ST grip and RBK 5 snake.

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From my experience the gloves you use can affect how well the grip works for you.

Our TF1 has a grip surface and our 2005 PG1 gloves have rubber in the palm to add stickiness and reinforcement. The combination of the two makes it nearly impossible to slide your lower hand. Yet, sometimes on the ice that was exactly what I wanted to do, say to change position to receive a pass, but I couldn't do so.

I've had retailers tell me they suggest their clients use silicon gel or baby powder if the player is having difficulty sliding his hands on a grip stick.

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i have graf 600 gloves and a vapour 30 stick ,its an awesome combo ,i find that grip helps my shooting because i get a better grip of my stick and i can get more power into shots. im not sure if theres much of a difference in stickhandling though

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I've got Vapor XXX gloves and switch through (regularly) an R2Xn10, Synergy SL, Synthesis Grip, RBK, and Synthesis. I don't find any extra help with grip sticks, its just that I'm used to them, and I candycane the non-grip sticks. It's all just PP.

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I find that grip sticks really don't improve my stickhandling. Shooting wise the only stick that has improved my shot was my TPS Rubber. I also like to use Nash palms with my grip sticks, especially the Easton and Mission grip. Lower end gloves don't work nearly as well with grip sticks.

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I found I was having some grip issues with certain wood sticks and have been in search of ways to put grip on wood sticks.

I tried the candy cane tape job and didn't really like it because I couldn't slide my lower hand quick enough to change position.

I also tried some Rust-Oleum Hard Hat brand anti-Slip Aerosol (AS2102) in clear. If you like sandpaper grip then it is awesome. The downside is that the vapours are flammable and will mess you up if you don't wear a mask when spraying (there are numerous warning about brain damage from long term exposure via inhalation all over the can). However, if you have a well ventilated garage and a mask to wear when spraying this stuff is awesome if you like sandpaper grip. It's meant to be a non-slip spray for floors.

The third thing I tried was spraying my sticks with a satin polyurethane (Excel Diamondcote). This is the method I'm sticking with as I found it provided just enough tack for me and the bonus is that it seals my wood sticks up so they can last longer. I would imagine if you gave a composite shaft a spray with it that it would have similar results.

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I find the grip helps alot for myself. I candy cane all my sticks even if they are grip though simply because i love keeping a tight grip on my sticks. I hate having the stick slide. Note My gloves are the old school leather( whatever the normal stuff on gloves is) so maybe that could be why im sliding.

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For me, it doesn't matter. The grip helps with stick control and yet I love the ability to slide my hands when shooting. If I have to pay extra for grip I wont, but if the stick comes with it I don't complain.

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soft grip like my pro stock L-2 or Sandpaper grip from Franklin

The sandpaper was really my best grip!!!thanks to Reaper i will try your stuff

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