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XXXs vs Eagles

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Sorry but when you go on there website the new modles are not up yet... So do you anywhere that might have them up??? Also do you know any info on these new gloves???


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click on the ice hockey link on this forum,go to catalog reviews ,eagle,im sure you seen that before ;)

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I personally disagree with the palm statements. I am on the ice 9 times a week, most often 2 hrs a day, which is a lot of ice time. The palms on my right glove (buttend) have started to wear out just now. I bought them on December 4th. I have had only 1 week off of the ice since then. I'd say thats unreal durability. It's very likely that I just got lucky, but the Eagles that I have had are wearing out on me after 1-2 months, which I'm not saying is bad, but it can't touch my XXX's. Add in the extra palms you get, and its amazing. Now, as far as comfort goes, it doesn't get better than the XXX's. CP94's are next for me, in terms of comfort, but still aren't close. IMO I think that they are the best 04 gloves made.

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has anyone heard of an eagle maxx?

id get the vapours because i like the fit on my hand. if i could find some of those beige vintage eagles id probably get those though because i dont hate the fit and those are my favorite looking gloves ever.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
I personally disagree with the palm statements. I am on the ice 9 times a week, most often 2 hrs a day, which is a lot of ice time. The palms on my right glove (buttend) have started to wear out just now. I bought them on December 4th. I have had only 1 week off of the ice since then. I'd say thats unreal durability. It's very likely that I just got lucky, but the Eagles that I have had are wearing out on me after 1-2 months, which I'm not saying is bad, but it can't touch my XXX's. Add in the extra palms you get, and its amazing. Now, as far as comfort goes, it doesn't get better than the XXX's. CP94's are next for me, in terms of comfort, but still aren't close. IMO I think that they are the best 04 gloves made.

Just curious, but, what color tape is on the butt end? Also, do you use a grip tape there?

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Epuck has the Extremes on their website, but I'm kind of curious as to how they hold up. My high school might get these or XXX's next year.

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Marcelo- I use about 3 strips of ripped in half tape, white. I don't use grip tape, and I generally don't hold the stick in the middle of my palm. I have experimented with other things but I like the feel of this.

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My Eagles blew out after a few months. I am on the 3rd palm for my top-hand glove and the gussets have had several slowouts as well. Bottom hand is still on the original palm. Had my glove redone at Old World Boot Repair in Anaheim.

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Doesn't palm durability depend on the palm you have?????????????

yeah good point. xxx's only come with one palm im pretty sure but eagle has a few i think and theres many models of eagles. im suprised noones brought this up

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Vapor XXX's are awesome feeling, light and dry very quick. All good. But the absolute worst Plam I have ever seen in a glove. Started ripping after one or two times usage.

And as always, only white tape on grip. Black always makes gloves wear even quicker and get colored.

Eagles have much better palms than Vapor XXX's. Not sure about XX's. And my Mission Helium gloves have better palms than both of those.

I think all companies struggle with the balance of best fit, feel and durability. Age old dilemma.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Marcelo- I use about 3 strips of ripped in half tape, white. I don't use grip tape, and I generally don't hold the stick in the middle of my palm. I have experimented with other things but I like the feel of this.

So, would you say that you hold the stick with your hand slightly over the top?

As far as palms go, I don't think this is much different than the OPS market. The higher end OPS are about performance and IMHO, should NEVER be counted on for durability. The lower end OPS seem to last forever.

Granted, there are different palms that Eagle offers in different thicknesses and even some with grip, however, what Eagle in their mainline (X70 series, Fusion, Extreme, X50) offers is performance.

If you want something that will last you a looooooooooooooooooooong time, go with a cowhide palm. It will last a long time and stink like a mo-fo, but, you will get OK performance and long durability from it.

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For stickhandling and shooting yes, I would say it's slightly over the top

I am never going to go for Durability over Performance.

I'll take Performance over Durability time and time again.

I really don't mind getting them repalmed, in fact how could you not like the nice new feeling, but how comfortable these gloves are coupled with the fact that they lasted forever, is a sign of good things.

So, I guess basically what I'm saying is that if my palms had lasted 3 weeks and worn out, it would have been cool, because these are performance gloves, and that's what they are meant to do.

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A little off topic but I didn´t want to open a new one.... I´m about to buy XXX Gloves and am uncertain about the right size. I currently use 14,5" Nike Quest 1 or 15" TPS HGT but the TPS seem smaller than the Quest even. Can anyone compare the XXX´s to one of them? The Quest 1 preferably because they are already broken in while the TPS are almost new. Someone mentioned earlier that they are rather tight fitting? More than a Quest 1? Cause they seem perfect for me in that regard.

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A little off topic but I didn´t want to open a new one.... I´m about to buy XXX Gloves and am uncertain about the right size. I currently use 14,5" Nike Quest 1 or 15" TPS HGT but the TPS seem smaller than the Quest even. Can anyone compare the XXX´s to one of them? The Quest 1 preferably because they are already broken in while the TPS are almost new. Someone mentioned earlier that they are rather tight fitting? More than a Quest 1? Cause they seem perfect for me in that regard.

I think the XXXs should probably fit like the Quests, but I'm using Quest 2s right now and I liked the XXXs much better.

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I have never used Eagle gloves so I cannot compare the two but the XXX's have been the lightest, most comfortable glove I have ever used. Best performing glove I have used as well. BTW I have a glove fetish and routinely purchase new pairs not to mention that I am extremely picky (unfortunately for my wallet it is usually after I wear a glove a few times).

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i currently have Quest 2's and I dont really like them that much. To me it feels weird when I bend my hand in them. I tried on a pair of 8** (852 I think) tacks ccm (from a teammate) and they felt so much better, especialy the way the glove bends, etc. As well, I am concidering getting eagles or xxx's but I plan to go to a Pro shop and try everything out. I am also considering HGT's.

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i have used eagle x51s for about 5 years. orginal palms. i don't play as much as i used to(2-3x per week). i skate when i can about 1x a month now. been that way for the last couple of years. looking forward to getting back to skating regularly. it took a long time for any holes to develope. i have done repair work my self. 1st hole: i sewed a peice of batting glove ovr the hole. 2nd larger one just put extremely sticky tape over it. i am not going to repalm these gloves when they go. i will buy new ones.

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