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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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when is the need for new wheels

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i have noticed small cracks on my rink rat hornet wheels does this mean they need replacing or are they still fine and wont completely split?

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i have noticed small cracks on my rink rat hornet wheels does this mean they need replacing or are they still fine and wont completely split?

i noticed that in my wheels and i played on them, they started to chip ooff making dents in the wheels. i then got new ones

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I've got my second set of rink rat hornets on my skates and they are slightly ripped - I've had for 4 months and they are still going strong. The biggest bonus I've found from rink rat hornets is that they last ages compared to all the other wheels I've had in the past.

Best thing to judge them by is how it feels when you skate on them, and your stopping ability. If neither has changed dramatically then don't change them.

The rate at which the performance is likely to diminish (and the wheel deteriorates - or rips), I would have thought, would be due to what surface you play on, how aggresively you skate and your weight. However, if they are only 'slightly cracking' then you've got a way to go yet.......

Hope this helps.

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i would keep them until the totally break. Hornets are expensive and if you break them in play usually the pro shop gives u another same free wheel, thats new wheels for free. The hornets are reliable so keep them till they shatter


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i noticed if you arent a heavy set guy the cracks in the wheels arent going to be a big difference...my opinion

I weigh 118 pounds, and my wheels on my last pair of CCM's cracked...next time I went to play roller, BAM, they broke right away

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I usually just keep playing till they have chunks out of them. all my dynastys had the tips all the way round, but they still gripped pretty well untill i stopped really hard and it took a massive chunk out. this maybe because i cant afford new ones so they seem to last becuase they have too! :P

Just got some rink rat hornets to try so hopefully theyll last longer!

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also if i did replace my rink rats even though the setup on my pf8s are 72,76,76,80

can i change this to 72,72,80,80?

the two 80's may touch each other, but the two 72's should be ok.

its proally trial and error, it wont hurt to try this.

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i already tried and the second wheel does not touch the ground and yes the 2 80s on the back touched. but that was on a size 7 skate. i hate that rocker feel these skates have.

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i'm 6'1, 151lbs and i can last a pair of wheels for nearly a year...and i hardly rotate..sooo idk how ya skate but i play 2 to 3 times a week too..sooo ya doing something wrong

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hotsauce- it has nothing to do with doing something wrong, people simply have different styles of skating, strides, how hard or soft they cut to turn.. there are many different factors

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hotsauce- it has nothing to do with doing something wrong, people simply have different styles of skating, strides, how hard or soft they cut to turn.. there are many different factors

wouldnt the biggest facator be the floor?

though most of us may play on sportcourt, their could be uneven tiles or rough spots causing wheel damage.

my wheels split and i got new ones because i didnt want to take the chance of being stuck with split wheels in a game.

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i already tried and the second wheel does not touch the ground and yes the 2 80s on the back touched. but that was on a size 7 skate. i hate that rocker feel these skates have.

What chassis are on them? I feel a "rocker" with hi-lo's, so I am gonna try a flat chassis (final factor) and see if it helps me

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i'm 6'1, 151lbs and i can last a pair of wheels for nearly a year...and i hardly rotate..sooo idk how ya skate but i play 2 to 3 times a week too..sooo ya doing something wrong

You must a be a rail....6'1 and only 150???? I am not that big (except for a little in the belly) and I am 6"0 185..... :lol:

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i'm 5'11 180 but i'm not fat i just have really well built legs. I use to go through wells like crazy myself almost 3 sets every year at least but ever since i changed to rinkrats i've been able to get away with using one set per year. They still crack in the middle like all over wheels i've tried but they don't wear out as fast and don't lose their grip as fast either.

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also if i did replace my rink rats even though the setup on my pf8s are 72,76,76,80

can i change this to 72,72,80,80?

I have tried this on my friends brothers skates he has pf6 and hates the way it feels. He wanted me to turn it into a HI-LO setup but the 80's touch. So i went and gave him the next best thing. A One-Up setup that the Nike Hi-Ho silvers have.

72,72,80,78 I worked on his skates but there junior skates size 4 but it should work for a senior size skate


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What do people mean when they say that they hate the feeling because it feels like your skating on a rocker chassis because i have the pf8's and i cant tell much difference between them and my D2c's

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I use indoor wheels as i like softer wheels as they have more grip and i just wait till the wheel breaks lol then roate them till i have 3 on each skate then if one breaks i buy new ones!(i'm cheap) :P

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