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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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kind of funny...i negated both of your posts while you were both posting and i was editing... :D

quick question, does anyone know if there is a significant difference between the graf 707s made in 02 or 03 compared to the ones being made now?

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I assume that you've tried 707s on before, right? You should always try on skates before you buy them, but especially with the 707s. They are just so wide and unorthodox, you have no idea until they are actually on your foot. I thought I could wear the same size 707s as 705s, and I was very wrong.

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well i normally wear 705s or the Gs, but Im coming off an ankle surgery... thats why I want to get a pair... however I was planning on trying a pair before I buy...

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Oooh, they have the 707 TLI's too, those are the most wicked looking skates ever.

those the last pair of Grafs they show? those are awesome looking

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Na the TLI's are the very first pair. The 405's (last pair) are like equivalent to 503's and that line. These are TLI's


yeah i saw those a year ago. from what i understand with the g7 skate there trying to make it fit like a 705 for ankle but the same depth as a 707 just so more people can wear it

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anyone know why cyclonetaylor advises that cobras be used with the 707s..?

because the 707 is there one skate that ofers maximum flexibility in the ankle and is more for the aggresive skate. and the cobra holder is already forward pitched so if you have a tuuk on a 707 skate it will defeat the purpose of the forward ankle movement and ability to do a full stride.

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i dont know, but that doesnt sound like its the right reason because you can always change the pitch of a holder (tuuk, corbra, etc) simply through profiling and other techniques. I think that theyre just helping out graf, but i couldnt be sure. I don know, however, that you can easily change the pitch of a holder.

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Off topic, but that website has to be the best stocked online hockey store i have ever seen, every product has different angle shots and they seem like they stock almost everything..

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i dont know, but that doesnt sound like its the right reason because you can always change the pitch of a holder (tuuk, corbra, etc) simply through profiling and other techniques. I think that theyre just helping out graf, but i couldnt be sure. I don know, however, that you can easily change the pitch of a holder.

factory it has the most lean and such

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Yes the Intrigue is available in North America, Canada at least

The Genesis is a shaft, used to be top of the line, I'd assume around '01ish.

I love this site, I looked at it when I was getting my customs done, and I remember some people discussing the Japanese aspects of it. I assume because their feet are generally wider, the 707 is more popular?

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I assume that you've tried 707s on before, right? You should always try on skates before you buy them, but especially with the 707s. They are just so wide and unorthodox, you have no idea until they are actually on your foot. I thought I could wear the same size 707s as 705s, and I was very wrong.

kosy: mind if I ask what size you wear in 705 and what you would wear in a 707?

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