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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates: wide models

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Hi there,

im want to buy a new pair of skates, so there is one question (yes, i used the search):

Which models (any brand) are wider fitting skates ?

Ive heard that CCM is kinda wide (all CCMs?) .. but there must be more.

The reason why im asking is, because i can buy them from a friend who has an online hockey store and gets his stuff from the wholesale-merchant.

When i know a product i want, i tell to get the particular item for me and i;ll try it on and buy it if its okay.

If you got any questions or explanations, tell me.


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Am i blind or are there no skates on the page ?

You can send me Infos (.pdf or something else) via email


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Am i blind or are there no skates on the page ?

You can send me Infos (.pdf or something else) via email


Whoops, sorry Sven, I forgot that Sweden removed the skates from their website. You can find info on the skates on my website, Salming USA, then contact the distributor in Europe to locate who still has inventory.

Again, I'm sorry about that.


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Would you really classify the 8090 in the same class of width as CCM, etc ? It's still a Bauer skate and maybe a little wider in the forefoot area than most Bauers but not by much, right ?

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Would you really classify the 8090 in the same class of width as CCM, etc ? It's still a Bauer skate and maybe a little wider in the forefoot area than most Bauers but not by much, right ?

8090 in a D width is wider than a Vapor EE width. At least that's how it feels to me.

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i can fit fine in a vapor d width and a reg synergy width, to me they feel the exact same,ive never tried on a skate that didnt fit me right( except for nike v12)

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Which models (any brand) are wider fitting skates ?

Besides the models already mentioned, don't forget you can find most of the better skates in wide widths (E, EE, or W).

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Under a previuos topic "Nike V12's" I stated the new Flexlites have a narrower toe cap than Nike's previous models ( JR..... my feet resemble that remark) Does anyone know how much wider are the heels in a EE skate from a D width in a Bauer 8090 or New Nike?

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Would you really classify the 8090 in the same class of width as CCM, etc ?  It's still a Bauer skate and maybe a little wider in the forefoot area than most Bauers but not by much, right ?

8090 in a D width is wider than a Vapor EE width. At least that's how it feels to me.

was told from our bauer rep that the 8090 comes off of a EE last just its made to be a D by beefing up the padding

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Well that makes sense then because if you look at the bottom of the skate and it's contour is a little wider than most Bauers but when I tried them on I noticed a lot of ankle padding and didn't feel that wide . . .

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So im back in this thread, because the CCMs are kinda too narrow..

Im gettin angry and a bit nervous now !

I dont know which skate i need and im really fed up !

Can someone help me out ?

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As you know, we talked bout that via PM, i dislike t'blades.

I know the 8090 is wide, but its very expensive (would be the last choice..).

What bout some cheaper versions ?


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Dude, sounds like you're just going to have to hit your local store and try them out. No one here is going to be able to guess what would fit you.

That being said, Eastons, from what I hear, run "wide" but ultimately, what fits best can only be told by trying them on. Also, there are more than D widths for skates, so if there's a particular kind you like, you can try getting a EE width and/or a half size larger.

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Search the web Bro....I found Bauer 8000 7.5 EEE(yes triple E) to fit My WIDE foot give that a try also the 5090 & 2090 from Bauer are the same cut as an 8090 & should save You some dough....lastly I fit between a EE & a EEE in regualr bauers & a NIKE E fit Me OK....so look into nikes Bro, best of luck with this.....I understand I go through the same thing

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As you know, we talked bout that via PM, i dislike t'blades.

I know the 8090 is wide, but its very expensive (would be the last choice..).

What bout some cheaper versions ?


Zak, I know you're not a fan of the T-Blades, but I figured you could just switch the holder if the boot fits well.

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I have very wide feet as well and I also thought the CCMs would fit but they seem to have a much narrower heel than I would like.. when I put them on (even the wide ones) I feel pain in my arch.. if thats the case for you then you might want to check out easton skates(synergy 700). I bought a pair in EE width which seemed to have a similar width to the CCM E width with a wider heel.

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Sven, as you ain't too far from Cologne, Germany I'd suggest checking out the new hockey store inside Kölner Haie's training facility (Kölnarena 2). Provided you are willing to shell you the bucks, they have Nike Flexlites in EE in all sizes. Nothing runs wider than that to my knowledge.

They also have Vapor XXXs in EE and I got the general impression that this shop jumps on the "wide" bandwaggon.

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