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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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z carbon in xn10

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i just cracked the blade on an xn10 tonight and i have a few extra z carbon's laying around so i figure ill throw one of them in it. Has anybody done this? if so, how's the balance/performance? also, where is the appropriate spot to cut the blade off the shaft?(i prefer not too flip it) thanks guys......

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Since the XN10 is tapered, you'd have to cut off quite a bit of the stick in order to fit a ZCarbon blade. If you flip it over, you won't lose any shaft length.

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Since the XN10 is tapered, you'd have to cut off quite a bit of the stick in order to fit a ZCarbon blade. If you flip it over, you won't lose any shaft length.

ya i know, but i really like the concave of the shaft for my upper hand, the taper zone doesnt have that, i realize it might not make a difference because i may have to use an extension anyways, im really more concerned about the balance

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can't you just line up the z-carbon blade next to the broken xn10 (with blade still attached to the stick), and just cut from there? that's what my brother's done with his broken synergys

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i just cracked the blade on an xn10 tonight and i have a few extra z carbon's laying around so i figure ill throw one of them in it. Has anybody done this? if so, how's the balance/performance? also, where is the appropriate spot to cut the blade off the shaft?(i prefer not too flip it) thanks guys......

If all you want is a shaft, it will work. Performance and balance will both suffer greatly.

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