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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eagle Tufftek Material

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tufftek is a polyester material with a polyurathane bottom coat,

It is stronger then nylon and is more hydrophobic as well.

but you can say that it is like nylon ...everybody else does!

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my eagles are tuftek, has no rips after about 7 months use at 6 times a week, stays dry, and is probably the best breathing glove i've owned.

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Is this a custom only option or are there Eagle models made standard with Tufftek?

With Eagle, everything is an option. You have to specify what material on any glove you order. There is a matrix in the front of the catalog that specifies what materials you can order for each glove.

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ok,thats all i needed to know, also is eagle still offering cp94's as a custom glove option.

and cavs019 how much did your custom eagles cost

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you work at wesco right? if i decide to get custom eagles, would i be able to order them through there

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