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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching curves

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I tried to search on this subject and couldn't find much, but how long does it usually take you guys to switch from one curve to another? I switch my curves almost every month and can't seem to find one I like, and it's really starting to bother me. 50% of the time my shots are good, and the rest of the time they're so inconsistent I could miss the net by 5 ft. Do you guys just pick one curve and stick with it, or do you switch around too?

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I like to switch around. I've settled in on a Drury curve basically, but there are aspects I'd like to change. More like a RP and a 5 lie would be perfect, but with a fair bit of rocker.

It depends on the curves your switching to, how much your skating and how well you can change your shooting style. Generally 5-10 skates is good for me, practices are of course, best.

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I've been trying to switch to a drury from a rechhi for the last month or so, and I can shoot okay with it, but I don't want my accuracy to just be okay, you know. I'm thinking of just getting a simple curve like the modano just because I know my shot with it is consistent. Or maybe I'll just stick with the drury a little longer. I don't know what to do.

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I generally don't make drastic changes in curves so it doesn't take me long. You will need to change the way you shoot to get the best performance from a Recchi, since you are coming from the Drury.

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He's going from a Recchi to a Drury, not the other way around...But regardless he'll have to adjust his style of shooting

My bad, damn ADD acting up again. With a heel wedge, you need to use a more heel to toe motion on passes and shots. With a mid-toe like a Recchi you're better off with a pick and fling type wrist shot. Make sure you start the shot with the puck as close to the heel as possible.

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I like to switch around alot too. i like to use drury/sakic mix or modano. i dont really have too much trouble adjusting to the different curves. takes 3-4 practices + a few hours shooting in the back yard to adjust.

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I have been using a Hull pro blade for the last 8 months and I really need to switch. It took me about a month to really get used to the blade (coming from a Morrow) and now I can fire rockets. Problem is, my LHS ran out of them (I bought them all) so I will be going back the the ol' Morrow. This should be interesting.

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this guy, you can have blades ordered in to the store, or you can get customs. this would probably be the best choice since you already have a good shot with that curve. its not that expensive either.

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Hey Chadd, I liked the way you described shooting styles for differnt curves. Could you be able to tell me a good shooting style for Modano like curves.

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roll it heel to toe, the modano has a huge sweet spot (right where the curve starts at the mid-heel.) When I used it I basically just snapped the puck off of that region of the blade.

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For me, rather than wasting money and time going through every curve I can find or try to make, it's made more sense for me to adjust with my shots and work with what I have. When I was switching from curve to curve trying to find one that was right, I developed bad habits trying to compensate for one curve, that carried over to a curve I normally have no problems with.

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Whenever I buy wood stics there ALWAYS one of a kind. I don't really care anymore. With everyone I buy I always havew a good shot. But for composite I have settled on a drury and don't switch those. So i say it takes about 5 seonds for me to switch curves.

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Coming from heel curves like the Lidstrom, I tried using the Nash (a more pronouned Sakic) but found myself constantly missing the net....to the point that the teammates actually notice. Back to a heel curve with the Kovalchuk which alot of guys say its a Drury but it is more like a Lidstrom but with less open face. Shots are hitting the net now again finally.

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